What are the requirements for "Game of the Year"?

Crni Vuk said:
when you say AAA or "Block buster" it at least makes sure that you will get better reviews then most indie games even if those games are better.

With a few exceptions here and there of course.


Indie games don't have massive publishers behind them to strong-arm/bribe reviewers for good scores and glowing endorsements. Every AAA game does.

Releasing a "Complete Edition" of a game containing all of the DLC is nice, but proclaiming it GAME OF THE YEAR is pretty fucking audacious. Hey everyone, look how many 5 Star, A+, 10/10 endorsements we can fit on the front of the box!
There was one site on that list of website's GOTY picks that Brother None linked to that had an indie game as their GOTY. Livemint.com picked 'World of Goo' as their game of the year, although I don't think livemint.com is very big.

I'm surprised Fallout 3 got won so many GOTY's though, there was a lot of innovation that year. World of Goo, Patapon, etc. all of them a lot more creative and overall better than FO3.
But could you make a super mutant's whole body explode with a single 10mm round by pushing the Awesome button twice, while wearing a 200 years old dress?
With Patapon, in a way, yes. Although replace 10mm pistol with bow and arrow, and replace super mutant with giant golem that shoots lasers out of its eyes.
I believe that if ANY one mentions Game of the Year in the same sentence, they can rightfully claim to be a game of the year.

Every year, about 10 developers will say "The TheirGame, this year's game of the year, will blah blah blah" about their games.

If I remember correctly, Two Worlds had a game of the year edition. TWO WORLDS...
I always thought the GOTY things were the same kind of labels as the Greatest Hits things from the PS1 days
GOTY bullshit is the equivalent to one of these -

Why do you even care about it enough to get mad? it just means "complete edition", whatever.
Damn, I thought there would be some info on scoring games in this topic :(
Guess it's all the same, marketing and bullshit. And then they blame the piracy.

But I'm thinking if Fallout 3 is GOTY, then Fallout 1 or 2 would be GOTTY (Games of The Ten Years)?
Wait...it's eleven now...maybe twelve?

You're kidding...Two Worlds got it? Where, in Germany GOTY by some unknown reviewer?
I guess they nominate a game for GOTY based on reviews by several known magazines/sites and value by the casual gamer in terms of length, orginality, story and dlcs.