First time out of the vault

Actually I was saying that both Muad'Dib and Leto II were characters I like. Plenty of other characters from Dune, but those two are the big ones other than Duncan Idaho and the Baron Harkonnen (both of whom I stupidly forgot. XD)Cimmerian Nights said:His son Leto was the god-emperor, Paul avoided that fate no?Plasma-pip said:The God Emperor, Paul Muad'Dib-Dune
Edit: After reading the first page of this thread I have to add some of my favorite characters from CRPGs
Torr, The Master-Fallout Series
Imoen, Khalid, Xzar and his companion dwarf-BG series
Back to general games
Maverick, Hunter, Maniac, Adm. Tolwyn, Paladin-WC series
Ruin, Cleon-Simayzs Oblivion mods, they add the R to the RPG that's SUPPOSED to be in Oblivion
Raynor, Kerrigan-Starcraft
Sam Fisher-Splinter Cell