What are your Religious beliefs?


What are your Religious beliefs?
I personally am an Atheist, I find the entire thing absurd, but have no problem with religious people as long as they dont stop progress or force things on me.

No argument, raging or debating; state your beliefs and go
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I'm a Methodist Christian and not ashamed to admit it. My wife is an Eastern Orthodox Christian. We haven't decided which denomination we'll raise our kids in. She doesn't really go to church anyway, she's an "at-home worship" type, so I guess it'll be my choice.

I'm very devout, or at least I try to be. I wanted to be a pastor for a long time until I realized how much pastors have to move in order to accommodate for the poor, homeless, soup drives, smaller churches without a preacher, etc. I prefer to be rooted down in one place.
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Agnostic. It's naive to claim the absolute truth on a topic that is so utterly beyond the human sphere. It's like a flea trying to understand the schematics of a nuclear power plant. There's no real way for us to know.

I respect the moral absolutism and resolve that some religions bring, however. Although equally some religions also bring some pretty nasty ideals.
Apatheist. Religion is relict of the past, evolutionary stage of human society. In 21st century it's not very necessary, we know the direct physical consenquences of not following ten commandments, for example. But I do understand the power of faith and where this power may come in handy.
It's naive to call someone else out of the camp stupid and dark for having beliefs too.
Freethinker, which I think is more 'atheist' and anti-religion then the atheist. I think the official explanation of the term atheist is someone who denies the existance of a god-figure. But what about angels, do atheists deny the existance of those too? What about all the other freaky supernatural creatures religious folks believe in?

Agnostic was, if I remember correctly, someone who thinks that the question about whether there is a god is irrelevant. So that's pretty close to what I am but I still prefer the term freethinker.
Atheist. I don't have time to occupy and restrain myself by ages old fairytales.
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I'm kind of Agnostic.
My own belief, if there is a God, they would have no concept of right and wrong, afterall those are rather human traits. Instead, I'd rather just live without the need to live for a higher being.
I believe if there is a God, they would probably want the same, unless they were this egotistical madman who wants everyone to live by their word.
I personally believe that a God is both Good and Bad yet neither at the same time. Even if both are human concepts, you can't have one without the other. The concept states that Good is the opposite of evil and so on forth, I don't believe a higher power can really construct that.

At the same time, taken for a more scientific point of view, there are some things that we can't explain.
One of my personal questions is "If the World did begin via Big Bang, were did those atoms come from?"
I'm not sure if Science has already explained this, but for all I know, Science states that something must have come from somewhere.
At the same time, a higher being could fit outside the realm of Science, it's just not an absolute fact, yet a belief.

To sum it all up, I'm not sure, I will never know for sure and no amount of asking will I ever find out.
I guess I'll just wait to see what happens when I'm dead.
I'm an atheist but have no problem with religious people as long as they do not force their faith on others. So basically, the same as the OP.
Wow this thread attracted a lot of atheists. Not even look to debate. Good for us. Good for the community. Let's try this shit elsewhere in the internet. Everyone wants to piss all over each other. I love how civilised this forum is. :postviper:

When I was little, I was pretty much a "natural atheist", in the sense that I was "given permission" to choose my own beliefs, and simply decided that I can't believe in what I can't see.
In my teens, I was a lot more flippety-all-over-the-place, with a lot of generic spiritualism and whatnot.
I am now back to being firmly atheist.

Wow this thread attracted a lot of atheists. Not even look to debate. Good for us. Good for the community. Let's try this shit elsewhere in the internet. Everyone wants to piss all over each other. I love how civilised this forum is. :postviper:

Atheism sometimes gets a lot of flack, often for being percieved as arrogant. But really? More arrogant than any actual religion? If so, then fine, we're all in the same boat, a big bunch of arrogant motherfuckers :D Beyond that, I don't even like to debate religion, because it is too personal. Trying to tug at someone's religion is dangerously close to insisting to a person that their entire life is a lie. It is very sensitive - as we all know by now! By now, as in, the past thousands of years...
Wow this thread attracted a lot of atheists. Not even look to debate. Good for us. Good for the community. Let's try this shit elsewhere in the internet. Everyone wants to piss all over each other. I love how civilised this forum is. :postviper:
Religion I can accept.

Politics is something else.
:puppy-dog: apparently I'm the only religious one on this whole diddly darn site. Oh well, guess I get to be the "special snowflake" for once.