What are your Religious beliefs?

Actually, @Ragemage I'm a Muslim. However, I personally didn't see Islam as 'yet another religion', but rather a way of life, which is why I didn't see myself as being 'religious', despite always consider to measure my words and actions based on the teachings of Islam.
Agnostic pantheist, which is probably the most gelatinous religious belief in existence, otherwise I'm leaning towards atheism, I'd probably go full atheist but there's no reason to put all my eggs in one basket.
Not the average stereotypical ignorant one though, I've studied scriptures of many denominations in various religions very carefuly, for years, before coming to conclusion that all these stories about anthropocentric deities are man-made and manipulative. I fully respect religious freedom, since I can see certain positive usefulness of any religion for society actually, and a lot of my family members are quite religious folks.

Agnostic pantheist ..
I find Japanese religion Shinto to be very similar with agnostic/pantheist spiritual view.
My answer is complicated but I'm undecided overall. I was raised a Christian and became an agnostic around the age of 13 but continued to pray everyday even though I didn't know if I believed in it and doubted it a lot. When I was 17 I went through a stage where I became a pessimistic, depressed, we're all fucked atheist, who believed that even if heaven or some kind of afterlife did exist that humans wouldn't deserve it for how horrible we are...

Well, I'm glad I got over that, so then I became sort of a Christian a year later. I considered myself a "free thinking" Christian who doesn't believe in absolute faith in something and is against indoctrination, my bright idea. That lasted for a few months until I started to actually read and study the Bible and then I realized that I disagree with a lot of it. Not just in the logical "could this even happen" sense but in a lot of thematic ways too. I'm not really a pacifist and from what I understand Jesus was, that's just one point of conflict for me.

So now what do I consider myself.... eh, a Deist? Maybe? I really don't know but it's an issue that has bothered me for years. My belief in spiritual things has been a point of conflict for the past 7 years of my life and I'm guessing it's not ending anytime soon. I'd really like to be a Christian, my mom has very strong belief in god, so did her parents, my dad's side are all Italian Catholic, they're all great people. It's like trying to get something to fit and it should fit but it just doesn't for some reason and I want to keep trying but it keeps failing.

I think the whole situation with religion is sad. They can't change their holy books, and as time goes on they'll only become more obsolete but because they can't edit them they're doomed to be stuck in the past forever. I feel bad for Christians because have a hard time winning arguments most of the time and it's almost an unfair advantage that Atheists get. Atheists can ruin a Christian by destroying their fragile world view and send them into a depression, Atheism doesn't fit with everyone, some people NEED that kind of world view. At the same time I feel bad for Atheists because I understand that they feel isolated and they feel like they're the only sane people in the room so all they can do is struggle and splash water on peoples faces, demanding them to wake up. Ultimately, whether I'm a Deist, a free thinking Christian, or some other shit, I aim to be neutral when it comes to debates because I understand where both sides are coming from and I try to respect both equally.
Oddly enough, in Spain, of which some foreigners have the "they are all crazy religious people, inquisidores lol" it's kind of despised being openly religious, especially christian. It has to do with the past civil war that led to a dictatorship, which was highly Christian-centered. Too bad that when they were derrocated, being strict and disciplined or faithful person made you get called "Facha".
The Catalans even call you that way if you contradict their douchy indepent wishes.
As someone said before, i guess i'm a freethinker too, no one in my family had religious beliefs since my mexican great-grandfathers.
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:puppy-dog: apparently I'm the only religious one on this whole diddly darn site. Oh well, guess I get to be the "special snowflake" for once.


I was raised a catholic, but I've never really been that religious. God has kinda always been a symbol in my life rather than something I'd actually believe. I don't feel that any religion out there has it right, but I'm open to the idea.

I think part of the reason why I'm not religious is because I went to a religious middle school, and they were the worst years of my life.
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I was raised a catholic, but I've never really been that religious. God has kinda always been a symbol in my life rather than something I'd actually believe. I don't feel that any religion out there has it right, but I'm open to the idea.

I think part of the reason why I'm not religious is because I went to a religious middle school, and they were the worst years of my life.

Liked due to Geno. Carry on.
Grew up Catholic, did the first three sacraments, I never really bought any of it and became an atheist. That's kind of it. I think that's like, the most common story.
Religion is like a penis.
It's fine to have one.
It's fine to be proud of it,
but please don't whip it out in public
or shove it down my child's throat.

I'm not religious, but I won't begrudge anyone their own personal beliefs - as long as those beliefs don't harm me or my family in any way. If that happens, we've got serious problems.

Really, I see most mainstream religions as tools of propaganda, to be used as a method of controlling populations. And I find this Jesus Light Switch to be kinda kooky and strange... Why would someone make that?!

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