What did you do with the Khans?


since we have loads of Khan threads I thought I might as well contribute.

What did you do with the khans in fnv? Did get them to work with NCR? Did you make them join the Legion?

I exterminated them partly because I never really cared for them and their story/background, but primarily because I enjoy dissolving people with my laser rifle.
I wiped them out. My character is a Viper who considers the Khans dishonorable thugs who whine when their victims fight back.
Wiped them out in my most recent playthrough. While I respect there history, they are still a bunch of thugs and raiders.
Wiped them out in my most recent playthrough. While I respect there history, they are still a bunch of thugs and raiders.
Same. They are a very unlucky group they've been wiped out so many Times. But for good reason each time so you know... They're still doing horrible things and are almost solely responsible for the feinds.
My first playthrough I just told them to leave to Wyoming. Mostly because I felt bad for them, and felt they didn't deserve to be wiped out
I tell them to leave for Wyoming because NCR is a toxic country for them with too many memories which will just lead them to fail again. The Khans in Wyoming will be able to become a force for good (or evil) free from the past there.
I really like the Khans in NV, so I either tell them to move on or try to get them to stick around.
I think playing the first game has also made me like them more, like they had this history once upon a time and now want to redeem themselves.
More often than not my characters convince them to split which is generally in-line with my personal views.
They may be a "dirty people that live in tents like animals" and cause more trouble than they appear to be worth, but they've got potential (as their "best" ending attests to) and I'm willing to give them another chance.
My Legion-aligned characters pretty much always nurture the Khan/Legion alliance. Anything else would likely incur the wrath of Caesar.
When I'm playing a Sneering Imperialist sort I squash them.
On my first run I left them alone to determine their own fate, and decided they kinda engineered their own destruction by forming an alliance with the legion. Now, though, I generally try to help them flourish in a place where they're not tied down by their history and allowed agency on a larger scale. I'm interested in what the Khans can be when they're not either forced by their conditions or their history to be outright raiders.
Depends on which faction, i'm siding with.

On NCR, i get them to work with me.
On Legion, i get them to work with me.
On Independent, i wipe them out.

Usually, i try to ally with all possible factions, including BoS and NCR, even if they take my reputation down.
Just talking about the first time I played.

I already shot them up at Boulder City and I was told, "Kill em if they're with the Legion." Saw they had a legionnairre so I took out the good ol' Annebelle and blasted those suckers to oblivion. If only they could of shot back, I could of gotten a purple heart.
I tend to roleplay each character as they come, but the styles I gravitate to usually call for them breaking with the Legion and heading to Wyoming. If I'm playing a particularly get-off-my-lawny Independent playthrough I usually try to become Papa's heir, take over as chief Khan, and take them with me to the dam.
I see Khans as nothing more than the Wasteland's version of SJW's. "Oh pity us, NCR did this to us!" Really? Last time I checked, you fuckwads were raiders, and then got your asses handed, then became drug dealers, and STILL got your asses handed when taking pot-shots towards NCR civilians, kids included, but oh no, NCR did a fuck up? They're BAD GUYS. Fuck em'.
Kind of changed my mind with the Khans.

Replayed the game the other week. Convinced Papa Khan to reclaim his tribes glory and leave the Mojave for the Northeast. I like the idea of them settling down to do some good old empire building and becoming a powerful force again.