What did you get for Christmas?

Real men use razorblades, dude. The chunks of flesh that come off when you use razorblades are usually not needed anyway.
didn't get anything, but we didn't really celebrate either.

getting together with the family this saturday though, to celebrate our collective heathen-ness. :)
Changing razor/shaving cream may help too. I've never used electric.

I received a large sock with gingerbread and bought the family the SBS World Guide, which is somewhat similar to the CIA World Factbook (available free online), but with far more history.
No presents, per se. Wife and I bought 2500.00 washer/dryer.

Bought the kid a bunch of things.

Father-in-law gave us 400.00, which will be going towards kid #2.
I got a new cellphone, A GPS, (I really needed one.) some clothes, some records, a book. But so what, I gave a lot of cool presents to family and friends this year since I finally have a real job, so that was nice.
alec said:
A big bag of utter and complete loneliness. :puppy-dog:

Fuck Christmas. :evil:
Hahaha. Ha.

Looks like Santa Fucking Claus has been copypasting my "presents" to you, poor boy.
I got 2 days with my family, joy, and time with my ex and her family. Double fucking joy.
Fuck i hate Christmas. If it wasn't for the bag of presents i got myself to deal with it, that Ive somehow managed to eat so fast that my car insurance money went out the window in 2 days, id probably hate it even more. Fuck Christmas. Fuck it up its stupid arsehole. Stupid commercialised holiday that i have to spend the only guaranteed day off i have a year with people i don't want to see, and don't want to spend money on. Instead of being fucked up with the people who's company i do enjoy.


(ps i fucking hate christmas)

edit. And i didnt even get fucking socks.
Got a PSP with Crisis Core, the first two seasons of Monk, and I had a great night with my sweety after having to bear with his annoying family.
Every single one of Poe's short stories, poems and essays in a variety of books and compilations.

Funny, it was a joint gift between a few people and they were quite surprised when I showed them that most of Poe's work is in a single book less then twenty dollars on Amazon.
But still, it was a great gift, my collection has increased substantially.
I got a candy snowman. This little a*****e was stalking me, watching me. Melted the goddamn thing. Oh and i got some pcgames and books.