what do you guys think about fallout new vegas

I have some mixed feeling about Vegas. Because I think it had a lot of potential as it is obvious to see that Obsidian had a lot of great ideas which have the same quality as like F1 or F2. But other parts sadly are very disappointing (The Legion, small size of Vegas/Strip etc.) and I have no clue if one could either blame Obsidian or Bethesda because

1. Obsidian had to use this fucked up engine we all know which is not so much the problem with the embryo engine but Bethesda not spending enough time to work with it properly.

2. Time. I guess one of the most important factors. Obsidian probably simply had not enough time to do everything they wanted.

(3. I guess bugs should be named here as well)

But yeah. I guess Vegas is the closest to a "good" Fallout game we might get so far. But I really hope that Bethesda will consider to give Obsidian a chance to make Fallout 4 with their "new" engine.
Crni Vuk said:
But yeah. I guess Vegas is the closest to a "good" Fallout game we might get so far. But I really hope that Bethesda will consider to give Obsidian a chance to make Fallout 4 with their "new" engine.

That could prove that God exists.

Better wait for the complete edition with all of the DLC included in it and then buy it.
Crni, it's not "embryo", but Gamebryo ;)

Anyway, Gamebryo seems to be a good engine to render vast open areas, but seems to suck at displaying large crowds. At least it's only sensible reason why we've seen so huge "battles" in Gamebryo (Battle of Hoover Dam in NV, or battle of Bruma in Oblivion - I've never seen more than about a dozen NPCs on screen at the same time).

EDIT: Gamebryo is quite good engine for a game like Morrowind, set mostly in dungeons and caves, where there isn't really much action on the screen
I am sure you could find ways to work around that though. But on the other side. I really hope they will go with any new Fallout game with "better" engines. Some which can at least do great animations and show some "numbers" on your screen. There is nothing more boring in some RPG like Fallout 3 or Vegas to get a location labeled as "city" but with nothing more then 5 people on your screen at the same time.
Or in the case of Girdershade, two. Two people :roll:

I've actually been fairly impressed by what Obsidian has been managed to squeeze out of Gamebryo. The game didn't give me any problems at all during President Kimball's speech at the dam, and that's more actors than I've ever seen in one place at once in this engine.
Yeah, but the Final Battle was nightmare. I couldn't shoot because of the massive frame-rate drop. Had to replay that battle more than once, since the game crashed several times.

To tell the truth, I've never had such problems with 3, or at least they weren't so big.
Even in the Take it Back! with so many Enclave and BOS soldiers, Prime walking, and all the explosions and effects around, the game worked really smoothly, whereas Vegas had problems with 5 people shooting each other in a relatively small area. That's probably the only thing in which 3 was better than New Vegas.
However, I should point out that I was playing the unpatched version of New Vegas, so they might have fixed this and tweaked engine a bit since then.
By contrast, I had the exact opposite problem. Take It Back! always caused me a hellacious amount of chug, but none of the Hoover Dam scenarios have ever once caused any crashes or performance problems for me even though I play NV on a laptop.
Surf Solar said:
For reasons being... ?

The story is good. A few of the weapons are nice, even if they're made redundant by weapons in the vanilla game being much better. The gameplay is forced stealth missions through identical brown corridors.
Yamu said:
Or in the case of Girdershade, two. Two people :roll:
You know what I really would love to see with a new game once ? Some kind of really big wasteland-like trading hub/center. You know! Like really this Mad-Max kind of barter-town thing with lots of people, trading, stuff going around which gives you this awesome-city like feeling. Maybe with some arena and such. Stuff that simply makes sense at some point.
I am enjoying it and I admit, I enjoyed the skill level bump that comes with Dead Money. I have yet to do the quest though. Probably that's next.
well you guys have convinced me ill buy the game, gotta think what the hell im gonna delete to install this