What do you think is sexy (for gun lovers)

Dove said:
[3PD said:
PsychoSniper]Ok, speaking of guns, I'd like to gun the below pic

That's one of the guns on the AC-130 isn't it, it also has a Howitzer.

Actualy, I think its a pavehawk door gunner.

I could be wrong, but thats what ws said were I got the link.

And who wants to do sone 'recon' on her, hehehehehe

Can we stop posting the pic? I mean she's really not that good looking. :roll:

I'd like to be pinned down in her foxhole. Heh. Heh. Heh. :look:
I'd voulenteer to pull some recon on her poontang delta region..

Airforce chicks rock. Mostly because airforce guys suck so much.
Malkavian said:
Can we stop posting the pic? I mean she's really not that good looking. :roll:

Dude its the eyes. I love eyes like that. Next best thing to a nice ass, IMO.
Myrrdin said:
Your guns are puny :roll:

Let me present *drumroll* the famous 'Dora'!

Oh my goodness, he pulled the Dora card. We are all owned.

Good job Myrrdin. I bow to the single most powerful gun ever created.
Dove said:
Myrrdin said:
Your guns are puny :roll:

Let me present *drumroll* the famous 'Dora'!

Oh my goodness, he pulled the Dora card. We are all owned.

Good job Myrrdin. I bow to the single most powerful gun ever created.

Dudes, that gun is teh gay. How's it going to hit me when I walk up to it with a satchel full of C4?
King of Creation said:
You won't ever get a chance to get up to it cause it will have destroyed your town before you were born, with one shot.

Damn straight, and from hundreds of miles away.