What Fallout food/drink/chem would you like to try?


Just a Sweet Irradiated Transvestite
Pointless thread but what Fallout consumable have you always had a desire to taste or consume since you encountered it in-game?

For me, it would be Party Time Mentats.

But mentats would be great, too. And stimpaks, and buffout.
Well a stimpak seems to cure most anything so that'd be a first pick for me. Otherwise Brilliant Berry Mentats, since they can boost INT by like 4 or 5 IIRC. Take that, capitalize on temporarily being a genius, e.g retroengineering the formula for repeated use. Patent, market, and profit from it, then take said profits and do whatever your genius drug addict brain thinks is a good idea.
I would be very interested in tasting the local animal flesh. I have always been rather curious as to the flavor of Brahmin, Gecko, Deathclaw, Mole Rats, and basically anything else I may have missed such as ghouls. I like to imagine it tastes like jerky :).

Seriously who would eat anything in a world drenched in radiation, lack of a viable food or drug administrations (You can't say for certain those drugs or food came from a safe place or are even edible.), and untrustworthy folks making your food (Seriously cannot stress this one enough).

Have fun dining with *insert horrible disease* and sipping on *insert horrible affliction*
All of them!

However, I want to try the most: stimpak, bitter drink, sierra madre martini, implant grx and Nuka Cola.
This raises a good question, do they have marijuana in the wasteland? or was that all destroyed by explosions and/or mutations?

As for what id like to try:

Brahmin Steak, Nuka Cola, Sunset Sarsaparilla, maybe some mentats and jet.
I will add that I would love to take turbo. Slowing down the world (ok, speeding up myself and my perception of things) would be totally awesome.