I HATE Final Fantasy. HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE. And all that other crap by Square. What an appropriate name. Squares indeed, all of them. Those are NOT RPGs, goddamn it.
A friend of mine is a FF nut. He plays all the games and loves them, no matter how stupid they are. I remember once his arbitrary party consisted of the main character, which was some kind of monkey, complete with tail, a couple women in bizarre costumes, and some kind of thing with a dangling tongue and a chef's hat, armed with a freaking salad spoon. What a crock.
I like the GTA games up through Vice city, but I can't stand the ripoffs; which just seem like jumping on the bandwagon and trying to cash in. From what I've seen, consisting of a friend of mine sit in front of a computer and clicking on monsters to kill them, Diablo isn't that hot...