What games do you hate, yet are popular with others?

The_Vault_Dweller said:
Level 50 level cap?!?

There's a patch out there that allows your character to level up beyond level 50. I'm not sure, but I think it goes up to level 124 or something. And what do you know: it actually works.

A lot of spells and technological contraptions are pretty useless, though -- agreed. And there are a lot of dungeons and mines that need to be explored whilst they don't differ much from other dungeons and mines in the game. But the sheer amount of possibilities in Arcanum is mindblowing. I played through it again last month and I didn't get bored once. Tarant alone can keep me busy for two or three days. It's just so friggin' nice to wander through those streets, break into someone's house, boomerang someone to death and so on. And you don't need to choose between magick and technology; it's perfectly feasible to create a swell chracter that uses both. Imagine the possibilities.

In my opinion, it's definitely better than Fallout, but I guess I like Fallout 2 a little better. Just a little, though. :oops:
I don't like the original Mario Kart or F-Zero for SNES, both seemingly widely appreciated. There's just something about Mode7 which kills the joy in racing games. I can't put my finger on it, it's hard to describe.

I also dislike the Final Fantasy series, and anything in the same vein. But I suppose most people here feel the same way, linear fantasy story with a few insignificant interactive moments thrown in just to be able to label it as a game rather than a movie, definately not an RPG.
If you like it you'd better buy it, or we'll beat you like a baby seal.
isn't the game hard to buy in stores now? i recall picking up the last copy of GotY edition from my EBGames. Only $20, too. I wish more quality games could be found for such an affordable price!
calculon00 said:
I'm downloading Arcanum right now just to see what all the hubbub is about.

Hopefully you wont be disappointed. Like I said before its easily one of my favorite games.

Mohrg :twisted:
*Sports games (save tony hawk)
*Warcraft 3 (i used to like it. its time is up, get over it!)
*True Crime: SOLA - I cant beleive i wasted $80 on this pos!
well, thats all i can think of at the moment
I completely forgot. I really loathe Spaceward Ho!.

I once paid full price for that piece of shit (and back then games were more expensive than they are now). I don't think I've ever felt as cheated and abused as when I played it for the first time.

Most people here seem to hate sport games. I wouldn't say I hate sport games, I simply don't care about them, because I've only played very few of them.
Per said:
If you like it you'd better buy it, or we'll beat you like a baby seal.
I like Fallout and I didn't buy it. You gonna do somethin' about it, mutie?
Ratty said:
Per said:
If you like it you'd better buy it, or we'll beat you like a baby seal.
I like Fallout and I didn't buy it. You gonna do somethin' about it, mutie?

Oh, but that's different. The U.N. passed a resolution to the effect that Croatians are free to pirate whatever they want, because, and I quote the Secretary General: "Well, they're Croatians. They'd never see a game otherwise."

If you live in the modern world like Canada on the other hand, you better pay up unless you're sitting in an igloo on Ellesmere Island somewhere.
Seriously, "Croat" sounds like...

a) a disgusting French pastry,

b) the part of a suit of armour that goes in front of the groin, or

c) a derogaroty term for lower-class black Jews with Romany ancestry on the maternal side and a gay Italian uncle (example of usage: "Screw you, croat!").
So does this gives the right to China to massively produce pirated software? Every piece of software is $1 US.