What Have You Done Recently Besides Fallout?


The Eye Destroyer
I'm just wondering how people's lives are going and what you have done in recent times, bless us with your lifestyle.
Started playing Rugby, twisted my knee, stopped playing Rugby. Will get back to it, though, when my knee is fully healed.
Finished my M.Sc., went unemployed, found a job now. Gonna start it in July, I'll need to move in the next month because of that.
Other than that... Not much, really.
Well you posted anyway, so i guess you did something.
Your a part of this community and your posting on my thread so cheers. :wink:
I haven't fallouted in years so basically, the past couple of years.

I like brutal hate-fucking, and drugs.

Oh and this.

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Just like mef, pretty much nothing. At this point I'm really just waiting for school to end so I can get some r&r. I've got some volunteering positions lined up over the summer so at least I can keep busy.
Wow that is hardcore lol hahahaha, Led Zeppelin is the f***ing don! :lol: EDIT: What are you volunteering for?? I'm a volunteer actor at the moment
*getting experience*
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There's a shelter down in Boston that aids disabled veterans with everyday tasks like preparing food, socializing, using a computer etc. They made a call out for volunteers who would be willing to pitch in time over the summer, and considering that my school makes community service a requirement for graduation I decided to go for it. It should be an interesting experience.
How come it's a requirement? Well done for helping disabled veterans, but surely your school would allow you to graduate with good results and performance; kinda sucks!:confused:
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Two weeks from yesterday, and I've got an entire three months alone and without anything to do. Probably going to play a lot of fuckin' video games.
Draw and animate shit.

Here is an animatic I did of a project for my 3D Product Design class:

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What's being said in the video? I don't speak Spanish (at least that is what I think the language is.)

Other than that, it looks pretty good.