What I miss in New Vegas


No Ink Spots?? Really?

(IF they are at the end credits, please let me know, because I miss those sad, lonesome dudes).
They have one song with, "It's a sin to tell a lie" but that's it... was greatly disappointed in the musical selection. Would have liked a lot more rat pack tunes.
In Fallout 3, I would make a point to turn on radios that were off... In Fallout New Vegas, I turn off every radio I see -- because they are ALL on! And the music sucks.
No kidding. I'd turn on one station and hear, "Big Iron". Switch to another station and hear, "Big Iron". Turn them both off in frustration then walk into a room, "Biiiig iroooooon... biiiiiiiiig iroooooon.".
Surf Solar said:
The musical selection is much more fitting and less catchy-patchy annoying then in FO3.

Personal opinion of course. I hate country music with a fiery passion.
I used the radio only very very scarce. Thanks to the great ambient music, I saw no need in ruining the atmosphere for me, unlike in Fallout 3, where the radio successfully distracted me from the horrible annoying epic ambient music.
Honestly, I don't mind the song selections, although I have to try something other than Mr. New Vegas. Actually, after playing Vegas for awhile I have figured to try out some country-western classics, so I got out my Johnny Cash and picked up a Willie Nelson Cd.

Not that I am really in to Country Western, but I am developing an appreciation for it. Maybe it was the flick Crazy Heart with Jeff Bridges last year, or the Johnny Cash movie before that.

The country-western is appropriate and some of the songs are perfect. But I agree, there could be more of them.

I think Mr. New Vegas is great but lets not forget, he is computer generated disc jockey.

A little more variety, yes. More swing, some mambo, and more variety. If you are going to make a radio part of the story, might as well add some variety.

But... how much variety can you get a hundred or so years post-apocalypse?
I liked radio song selection both in Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas. Found it fitting in some parts of the game, since after some time it really gets repetitive.
For some unknown reason, this happened lot more in New Vegas. Or maybe it was just me, I don't know.

Also, doesn't radio volume in New Vegas sound little lower compared to Fallout 3? i get that feeling.

All in all, I'm satisfied with the selection, but I don't keep my radio on for very long.
The problem with the music in NV is that the radio doesn't play enough different songs. Big Iron plays way too often, seemingly every other song at times. There are supposed to be like fifteen or twenty different songs in the game but I only ever seem to hear four or five different ones.
Wintermind said:
The problem with the music in NV is that the radio doesn't play enough different songs. Big Iron plays way too often, seemingly every other song at times.

"The track "Stars of the Midnight Range" was intended to be included on this station, but an error linked the entry in the radio track list to the MP3 file for "Big Iron", which causes "Big Iron" to be played twice as often as other tracks, and occasionally play twice in a row. "
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
"The track "Stars of the Midnight Range" was intended to be included on this station, but an error linked the entry in the radio track list to the MP3 file for "Big Iron", which causes "Big Iron" to be played twice as often as other tracks, and occasionally play twice in a row. "

That couldn't be/wasn't fixed with a patch or a mod?
Atomkilla said:
Also, doesn't radio volume in New Vegas sound little lower compared to Fallout 3? i get that feeling

It's possible. If you're talking about the pipboy the radio actually has its own volume slider in the sound menu so it can be turned up or down.
korindabar said:
It's possible. If you're talking about the pipboy the radio actually has its own volume slider in the sound menu so it can be turned up or down.

Yeah, it's on max in both games. Still, I get the feeling that overall radio volume in New Vegas is lower. :shrug:
Luckily, one can add there own music to radios in the game files (On PC of course). But tell me, is it just me or is hearing ambient music sort of rare? I find that in most places in the wasteland, you'd be lucky to actually hear any. Just silence except for a few spots.
I find myself listening to the ambient music most of the time, the Remixed Fallout 2 music is just awesome, and the music for strolling around the desert is very very good.
Walpknut said:
I find myself listening to the ambient music most of the time, the Remixed Fallout 2 music is just awesome, and the music for strolling around the desert is very very good.
Me too, I never turn on the radio. The ambient music is really nice.
Atomkilla said:
Also, doesn't radio volume in New Vegas sound little lower compared to Fallout 3? i get that feeling.

I noticed this too, the music volume is very low. For instance some songs like "It's a sin to tell a lie" are barely audible but when Mr. New Vegas begins to talk he's so loud that he sounds like he's screaming. Probably a bug.