If biology on Earth was dangerous enough for them that it could mean them losing a war, they would not risk it. It would be incredibly stupid. Only in the case of Earth being the only planet they could settle (after terraforming and changing the environment) within the entire distance they could travel, and their own world was completely dead would they likely be willing to take such a risk. And then it would still be up to us to effectively use that against them, which only happens in games and movies. Wars are not won by a single hero or team of heroes installing a bomb on a ship, releasing a virus that wipes out an entire species, or anything like that.
Looking at human history, I'd say that contact with an alien civilization similar to us would likely end in war. If the possibility at all exists of either species being a threat to the other (for example, the aliens noticing we are very close to technological breakthroughs that could result in us finding them, traveling to their world, or such - or the other way around) there would most definitely be a display of power.
As for a galactic empire, I agree that it doesn't really make much sense. I could however see one or several highly technological species spreading out to explore and to keep tabs on the universe. That could potentially be a reason to have "listening posts". But it's highly unlikely that they would feel the need to actually colonize different worlds. Granted, it's hard to imagine what could be possible with the technology requires for such exploration, but it's easy to imagine that the resource costs would still be so incredibly staggering that it would simply not be feasible.
I'm actually more and more inclined to believe that no intelligent life reaches such a level of technology. Again, if alien life is at all similar to us, it's much more probable that every such species sooner or later wipes themselves out or meet their demise due to natural phenomena. I have no doubt that there is life out there. But we may very well be the most advanced there is, or we're nearing a point most species reach before they die out. But then again I'm a pessimist - if there's a race of space hippies out there that have evolved past wars and killing, no one would be happier than me.