What if the Enclave was a Social Experiment as well?

but I always loathed this whole "Space Travel" or "Terraforming/Colonize other planets" thing, it's a bit over the top if you ask me.

Each his taste.
I feel that plans for space travel and colonization of other planets does fit the Fallout setting, there just never came anything of it as at the end every nation was determined to kick the other nation's ass rather than put more effort into the first.
The Dutch Ghost said:
but I always loathed this whole "Space Travel" or "Terraforming/Colonize other planets" thing, it's a bit over the top if you ask me.

Each his taste.
I feel that plans for space travel and colonization of other planets does fit the Fallout setting, there just never came anything of it as at the end every nation was determined to kick the other nation's ass rather than put more effort into the first.

It's not that I don't like Space Travel or Terraforming, actually I love Science Fiction (rather "Hard Science Fiction") and astronomy and it's really soothing to watch such media. And the world in Fallout sure is well developed, Laser Technology, Plasma, even Pulse Technology etc. - but, to actually be able to make interstellar (as we all know there is no habitable planet in our solar system) journeys there is a need of much much higher equipment etc.

It just seems kind of odd, when the human kind bombs each other to the stone age with (in comparison) "old" weapons like nuclear bombs and then has the technology to travel even to other solar systems...
It would be an interesting twist, but i doubt someone would do it. If they succeed, you now have a group of heavily armed and technologically advanced solider types who are incredibly hostile to those outside their order. Your kinda fucked.
Well, that also describes the brothhood of steel, except thier slightly less hostile if you walk on two legs and are one of the human flesh tones. I really would have liked a future installment of fallout if they felt the need to make the enclave the villians... again... to instead focus on the original plan of leaving earth (I remember reading that Vault 13 was meant to study people in isolation for long periods of time for the viability of a long duration trip.) and the reason why it never got off the ground, pardon the pun. Of course, that isn't ever going to happen now, but its always food for thought.
No offense, but the original post sounds like something straight out of the notepad of M. Night Shamalamadingdong. Twist for the sake of a twist?
I thought it would be interesting, and a funny twist on the Vault Social Experiments, with the revelation that the Enclave themselves are also part of it.
A more interesting twist would be if it'd turn out the great war was a part of the experiment. Meaning, it was engineered.

Decimating the entire human civilization just to observe how they'd fare in a post-apocalyptic environment, having the Enclave, Vault Dwellers and topside survivors as test subjects. Just an elaborate version of the Vault experiment, but also somewhat more chilling and mindfuck'ish.
Madbringer said:
A more interesting twist would be if it'd turn out the great war was a part of the experiment. Meaning, it was engineered.

Decimating the entire human civilization just to observe how they'd fare in a post-apocalyptic environment, having the Enclave, Vault Dwellers and topside survivors as test subjects. Just an elaborate version of the Vault experiment, but also somewhat more chilling and mindfuck'ish.

Which means that aliens are involved and that Fallout 3 is canon. :V
It's a very interesting question, but looking at the entire "experiment scheme", it would seem rather convoluted. An experiment devising another experiment? Who would observe the results of these experiments? Not the president and most of the government, if they're part of the experiment themselves. A shadowy "NWO" type organization? The AI's? It would definitely be a very interesting outcome, but it would be quite confusing.
Okay, perhaps this 'mystery' revelation will make the 'what if' question more interesting.

After the player has finished the end game, watched the slide show epilogue revealing the results of your actions, and ignored most of the credit roll, suddenly there is an additional cutscene.

We watch the nuclear explosion that wiped out the Enclave's oil rig from an aerial point of view, numbers in the corner reveal that this is being seen through a camera before moving to an outsiders view point.

The screen zooms out as the Pacific ocean becomes bigger, clouds start to appear as we go higher, and at some point we see stars as the shape of the Earth becomes clearly visible.

Now the screen moves somewhat aside and we see an object that slowly becomes larger; a big space station.

The station consists of a toroid with two giant sphere shaped habitats above it and below it (its north and south pole) which are connected with various access tubes to each other and the toroid. (perhaps some glowing reactor in the middle)

We rapidly zoom in and 'enter' the space station through a window.
As we move through the space station corridors we enter a room full of 50's versions of Personal Computers and loads of computer banks.
Texts and images flicker over the screens as if they are being read very fast or are being analyzed.

Suddenly we hear a female voice, it is pleasant but definitely artificial in nature. "Mr President, I have some bad news for you Sir. It seems the Vault Research Enclave has fallen through outside influence, personnel casualty rating are predicted to be 98.9 percent and the main control installation itself is essentially scrapped."

Mr President (which isn't seen yet) "A shame, the Enclave had quite some possibility. It could have succeeded at bringing stability and order to the wasteland, and dealing effectively with the impurities and degenerates currently overrunning the continents."

Secretary "Would you wish to start over Sir? We could activate another control group."

President "No, we have explored that avenue of research. No I think it would be best that we start over completely."

Secretary "Sir?"

President "Sterilize the planet to be certain we have eliminated all mutates and opposition and begin again with a fresh untainted population."

Secretary "I will initiate the clone banks Sir."

For a moment we are somewhere else, most apparently some underground installation.
Lights start to flicker on throughout a large room and we see dozens if not hundreds of large glass cylinders with various machines and hoses attached to them.
Some kind of liquid is inside them and as the machines start to activate the liquid starts to bubble as if being cooked.

We return back to the space station.

Secretary "Cloning process initiated Sir, but I must inform you, estimated time of successful release of the first batch will be twenty or thirty years. Slow cultivation is necessary to ensure viability of the specimens."

President "No matter, that will give us time to design and implement a successful new strategy to deal with the situation on the surface."

We finally get to see the 'President', a human brain suspended in some kind of liquid, inside a glass dome, connected with wires and tubes to a large computer console, surrounded by the dozens of other computers and computer banks.
The only light in the room is focused on the President's brain.

President "After all, we have all the time in the world."

Cue ominous music.

Screen goes black

Heh, ultra cheesy and cliché as hell :P
Re: What if the Enclave was revealed to be an experiment?

I like the basic idea, it's a good way to keep things interesting moving forward.

To be honest I didn't think the "vault experiment" revelation was all that well thought out. First, this was the end of the freaking world here. I don't think the US government, no matter how insidious, is going to care about making people go nuts underground just to see what might happen. No, I'm more of the mind that they would simply be trying to save would could be saved of the nation. That said, it was a nice little twist.

A bold direction that would have been interesting to me would have been if the Enclave was not the remnants of the government at all, something which might have been revealed in the endgame of FO2. They just had delusions of grandeur. But in fact, the real US government was indeed intact and pushing west. No cliched agendas of purifying the wastes, no sinister fascist stormtroopers. Just dudes backed by other powerful dudes who are out to overturn the power structure of the region. For the better? Maybe. Maybe not, you don't know. Pick your side. It's a safe bet not everyone will want Uncle Sam around no matter what.

Why do we need yet another bunch of cookie cutter vilains?

The Dutch Ghost said:
If the Vaults were part of experiments to see if society could survive and thrive, that the Enclave was an experiment to see if the US government could recover and rebuild the nation.

Some of the worst elements were chosen to survive and stress the situation to the limit.
Close minded conservative hardliners, genetic superiority morality, ethic less scientists, over aggressive soldiers, and so on.
And of course a president and his staff who would think they are really in charge.

Unknown to them, all this information would be recorded and send to some mystery location to be analyzed by computers before being reported to who knows.

Your thoughts?

Well, who is REALLY behind things then? That's a question you are going to have find a good answer to. Aliens? The other real US government? A giant corporation? AI? And what would a possible motivation be?