What if you were in the fallout universe ?

NCR probably, maybe join the police or just chillax and read holotapes.

That or find some cooky mad scientist bent on creating weird and wonderfull creatures to rule the reamins of the world! I'm sure there would be a few around. :P

Also is your sig for reals Miwenskee?
I'd probablies end up doing the following:

Because I am blessed with being very smart (the reason for misspelling all the time is because i'm very hyper and my keyboard is shit), and i'm extremely accurate in my unit in the army cadets. These are perfect criteria for surviving in the wasteland. I'd wander the wastes picking up people who actually have uses, not just every bone-idled smackhead who waddles around aimlessly.

Once I have got a loyal band of followers (about 12ish), I would either make a little camp with some boundaries or set-up shop in a police headquarters on the outlies of the NCR (I'm favouring the latter option), then offer the NCR troops homage in my HQ so then I would have reasonable protection from the wastes because of the NCR, I would get good trade from caravans because it would be a safe zone and I would be set for life probablies farming and hunting on the area my HQ is on. Finally, I would let anyone into my base who managed to stumble across it, because they've obviously got reasonable survival skills, then i'd train them in hunting and farming.

Here is a cut down of what occupations my followers will have (the original ones):

4x Guards
2x Teachers
2x Farmers
2x Hunters
2x Mechanics/Engineers

In my settlements I would gain new workers like this:
Male babies who are born in the HQ can be:

Female babies who are born in the HQ can be:

That's my extensive survival technique.
Miwenskee said:
Another thing that i think is kinda catchy... i would be more than happy if i somehow end up in a raider group (being one of them, of course)... think about it... raiders are the rock stars of the wasteland - they always have drugs and can get stoned whenever they want to, they can screw anytime they want to and if they kill someone they'll probably get away with it :D

tell that to the khans....well if you find one :D
I would probably just be an eremite, seeding a few crops where they survive, maybe having a little doggy on my side, trying to avoid "bad people" etc.

It's just my "romantic" view of the apocalypse, the reality is much more cruel and wouldn't allow such behaviour.
mmmh... I don't know... The wasts are very dangerous.
I know some notions to survive for a little, i think, but I've no direct experience with firearms... very bad. :(
The priority will be gather a group or join in a community. A lonely traveller has few chances to survive.

After that, my group will go to a place where learn combat skill and others useful knowledges.
NCR is a good choice, but Redding too (Redding is more dangerous and has lesser goods and peace, but it's good to learn the "Wasteland Way"). Good jobs are guard of caravans and, maybe, sheriff's helper...OMG! :eek: The Morton Brothers again!!!

After some time, I will gather another group of friends and people from the city and near communities and travel to... well, We'll have two options:

1) Go east to join the MidBOS and create a new hope! :salute:
2) Go west to San Fran and Join the Shi for the glory of the "Emperor"! 8-)

Both trips are very dangerous and deadly (Deathclaws, Supermutants, Floaters, Aliens...) but post apocalyptic life is not easy.

I like Shi: they have technology, kung fu and a great ambition (a new empire!). There are hubologies, but they're not a great problem...or not? :P
There's a couple of easy remember to tips:

1) Maintain it, say if you have an AK, it doesn't mean you have to find another AK to repair, just scrounge pieces of other rifles and guns, this will also heavily customise your rifles. And whenever you find a towel or tissue wet it so you can clean out your rifle, if you find grease your in luck, don't forget to grease up your rifle!

2) Pick up every piece of useable ammunition, if you have an AK, and you've just found a police HQ, scavenge the place up for some ammo, because the common firearm of the west coast police at the moment (2010) uses the same type of ammo.

That's all for now.
If I was 19 as I am now, I'd probably try to be a trader, have my own caravan, or something like that. Its pretty dangerous, but what isn't dangerous in the wasteland?
On the other hand, If I were older, I'd probably settle in some city like Broken Hills (damn, I love that place haha)
I see many problems with joining ANY brotherhood
The original west coast order is very exclusive.
The Chicago detachment has a high attrition rate and does not seem to have place for anyone who doesn't want to constantly be fighting or out on patrol.
Fallout 3's group Didn't even originally accept the lone wanderer.

I'd probably join a simple settlement like Klamath and become a trapper, something easy.
Considering my profession I would be quite likely involved in ether Enclave, Brotherhood or other group of former soldiers. Even as outsider I believe that would have skills that would make me desired recruit to BoS. They probably do like people with military training and experience on military comm systems, aircraft and electronics.

Of course I could have been ghoulified. In that case I would have been looting military bases and ruins for equipment. I would hook up with like minded survivors with skin problems, mindset would have been mostly about being bitter and out for blood, avenging our no win lottery ticket and shorter straw to smoothskins. I would become preacher of holy vengeance.

Once I would have enough followers and stuff. Some mining equipment, lots of stuff that goes boom, more stuff that says boom, power armors, heavy weaponry and plenty of vehicles, including plenty of tanker trucks. Vault dwellers would have to pay for sin of surviving with nice skin. I would load up tanker trucks with radioactive goo. Find a vault, drill few holes here and there (alternatively bypass door controls or with TNT) and pump in some lovely glowing fluid. I think I could crack open couple vaults before Enclave notices my slight alteration of their experiment. They would probably sent in patrol to investigate what fuck is going on with the Vaults and due to that I would learn about experimental nature of Vault program. From that moment onwards, Vault raid operations would become well planned ambushes for possible Enclave interventions. I would continue to raid vaults until Enclave sends enough troops to preserve their precious experiment, possibly they could nuke my operation. Then I would most likely die, but if I'd make escape while my death cult would be gunned down and I would end up in Gecko or other ghoul community, drinking booze, doing drugs and playing Tragic the Garnering at Harp.

TL;DR.... Guy with bad skin, severe attitude problem, power armor, lots of fire power and mission of destruction.
I'm living in China right now, so I think I'd die in the War.

But if I lived, I'd be the least popular ghoul on the entire Asian continent. I'd look like all the Chinese ghouls, but my accent would always give me away...
Only Santoka got it right. We'd die. It would be the end of the human race. We not capable of dealing with the issues it would bring. 70% of the survivors would probalby commit suicide right of the bat, another 25% would die within a couple days from eating the wrong food, drinking the wrong water, or just being clueless.

Based on the sales of all the Fallout games, about 1% of the 5% left would feel they knew what to do, but the other 99% would barely have a clue.

Most of those left that didn't top themselves straight away or die in the next few days would just stay in their house, their only known surroundings where they feel safe, assuming the radiation wasn't too bad, they might survive first on their refrigerator food, then their tinned food, they might even break into the houses either side to look for food when they got hungry, but that would be about it. So few survivors would last for any length of time, it wouldn't be enough to sustain the human race, and we would die out.....

After all, the Fallout world only exists because 100,000's of people had Vaults to go into where they were looked after for hundreds of years while the radiation went down. In the real world, we're never going to have all those Vaults, and if we did they would only last for 5 years and have few 100 'special' people in them - not you or I......
Your wrong john, humanity in the fallout world people managed to survive outside the vaults when the bombs fell. (Not everyone is from a vault very few are)
I don't know what gave you the idea mr krepe that people will just follow you like that I am not saying it's impossible I am pretty sure that anybody would hardly follow you, it's pretty likely that a group will be made, but what makes you better than the other to be the leader.

uk john I don't think you are right, even though the bombs fell how r you so sure that the chinese don't have underground bunker-like vaults, even if they don't have I am pretty sure the russians will have a lot of those, to say that the fallout universe was there only beause 100 000 americans survived the holocaust in the US is one of the corniest statements I've ever heard.

Enclave patrol I don't question your knowledge and skill, I strongly doubt it that the enclave patrol will accept you because you a clever scientist or a skilled gunman, the fact that you have been exposed to radiation blows it for you, and (am am not 100% sure about this, but I reckon it's obvious) if you were not born in the enclave it's unlikely that you will get a chance to become one of them. I am not saying it's impossible and it may just be the hardest place to get from the mentioned above.

Paladintaco you either a ghoul or not , you don't just suddenly become a ghoul just because you think they look rad you become a ghoul after a long time being exposed to radiation and a long metamorphosis.
I'd join the Raiders. Get messed up, loot shit, kill, rape. That sounds like fun. As a faction who's strength come from numbers they would probably let me join right away. People tend to not live very long in the wasteland, might as well enjoy yourself.
Jax Sparrow said:
Enclave patrol I don't question your knowledge and skill, I strongly doubt it that the enclave patrol will accept you because you a clever scientist or a skilled gunman, the fact that you have been exposed to radiation blows it for you, and (am am not 100% sure about this, but I reckon it's obvious) if you were not born in the enclave it's unlikely that you will get a chance to become one of them. I am not saying it's impossible and it may just be the hardest place to get from the mentioned above.

Purely based on what I used to do in military... Assuming war would involve longer build up phase and I would be mobilized to my former position. I used work on what is pretty much closest equivalent of Vault there exists in whole world outside US or Soviet high command bunkers, place that can take anything but direct hit from hundreds of kilotons warhead. Assuming that I would be American, would be part of Enclave from start on or unless my unit wouldn't be directly involved in Enclave plans... I would end up in BoS or something similar.

Ghoul option is just backup, if I would end up being ghoulified survivor of my bunker... that is whole different ball game.

I'm not scientist or fighter, just an guy that keeps air force technical stuff in working order. Assuming that I would not be involved in Enclave or BoS from start I would be quite ideal recruit for BoS, due to fact that I would be able to recover tech and possible able train them to use that rather perverted stuff.

Assuming that I would be my own age on events FO2 and involved with Enclave, would either in hangar of Navarro base or flight control next to it. Assuming that Chosen One is rather violent... I would end up in being pile of goo after dealing 5-10 points damage on him/her with either laser pistol or 10mm pistol and AP bullets.
Now that you gave us a little insight about your background I have to admit that it's pretty likely that you will be mobilized and get involved in the enclave or BoS.

But I specified at the beginning of the topic where you start. Having in mind that you are yourself in the middle of nowhere, and not being born in the enclave or BoS (you were not mobilized when the war started) I don't think you have even the slightest chance of getting in the enclave, I reckon that you stand a better chance joining the ranks of the BoS based on the fact that they are more prone to recruit members.
Sorry for bring a thread from the dead, looked over the board rules and didn't see if it better to start a new thread or bring up a old one...

My answer - do my best to repopulate the wasteland. Tough job, but someone has to do it.