What is NMA? Can someone enlighten me?

not necessarily. it usually is their first experience of fallout. fallout new vegas was my first
Not all of them think that, but some sadly do. That's great, mine was Fallout 1 and it was what... two years ago?

Yeah, I'm not a Fallout veteran who's been playing them since they came out.
Not all of them think that, but some sadly do. That's great, mine was Fallout 1 and it was what... two years ago?

Yeah, I'm not a Fallout veteran who's been playing them since they came out.
been playing fallout since 2011 i think.
So what do you guys do here? Are there events and such I should be aware of? Anything else?
Come in, Erich van Loon. There are things you must know.

The NMA is dying. The signs are everywhere. Withering mods... dying admins... sick users.

There is hope, however. A slim hope that few know of. The old disks speak of an item called the Xbox One. It is said it can bring life to the wasteland. This will be your quest if you prove yourself worthy.

For that proof, you must first journey to Poland. If you survive, come back to me we will talk more. Our life is in your hands, Erich.

Poland stronk! Find the Xbox One. Be our salvation.
On Reddit I heard Reddit was cancerous.
Seriously though, it's the Internet. Everything is cancer, everything ruins everything, and everyone is a goddamn Black Ops Marine with 300 confirmed kills and more sex, drugs, and Rock'n'Roll than Charlie Sheen.
I am not like that, I am a wombat and love eating carrots.

Well, anyway @erich van loon welcome around here and just a warning, The Order Subforums is not NMA, it is it's own closed society and anyone new should thread carefully there. :P