What is the most anticipated RPG in 2000?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Alicia Carmen
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Alicia Carmen

Well...waiting fallout 3 without any official news is surely boring, am i correct? And there isn't any similar RPG or at least future RPg that can match fallout (fo/fo2). But if you ever look for another RPG game that is scheadule for year 2000,...wow! there are alot of good RPG.
Let see: warcarft III (RTS), BG II (the hard and ultimate rival of fallout...yuk-yuk), Diablo, Icewind dale, NWN, and many other...also there are several good RPG that already realeased like Torment, Ravenant, and many other.

Now let's play this out:
a/ what is the most anticipated RPG for you in this year?
b/ why do you wait for it? (the game you chose)
c/ let's play reviewer/previewer, ok? What score you give to that game or other "satisfaction" RPG, like...mmm...i have play Ultima IX, i give 5 score for it (from 10), becouse...bla...bla...bla.. or Torment, 8 from 10, becouse of...bla...bla...bla...

ok? thank's and i will wait for your replay...
>Well...waiting fallout 3 without any official
>news is surely boring, am
>i correct? And there isn't
>any similar RPG or at
>least future RPg that can
>match fallout (fo/fo2). But if
>you ever look for another
>RPG game that is scheadule
>for year 2000,...wow! there are
>alot of good RPG.
>Let see: warcarft III (RTS), BG
>II (the hard and ultimate
>rival of fallout...yuk-yuk), Diablo, Icewind
>dale, NWN, and many other...also
>there are several good RPG
>that already realeased like Torment,
>Ravenant, and many other.
>Now let's play this out:
>a/ what is the most anticipated
>RPG for you in this

Diablo II

>b/ why do you wait for
>it? (the game you chose)

Mainly cuz the game looks to kick some major ass and send all other RPG's runing for their money. Awesome gamelplay coupled with stellar graphics and an amazing multiplayer mean this will be one of the greatest RPG's.

>c/ let's play reviewer/previewer, ok? What
>score you give to that
>game or other "satisfaction" RPG,
>like...mmm...i have play Ultima IX,
>i give 5 score for
>it (from 10), becouse...bla...bla...bla.. or
>Torment, 8 from 10, becouse

Since Blizzard doesn't like me I don't go on their website but here is a good place to check out on it http://d2tomb.diabloii.net/

>ok? thank's and i will wait
>for your replay...

By the way, Alicia, I bought Ultima Collection (Ultima through Ultima VIII with Akalabeth and Ultima VII Part 2). Haven't played it yet but I play too today.
Yuk-yuk...er, ok.

>a/ what is the most anticipated
>RPG for you in this

Warcraft 3 or Diablo 2, depends on reviews (we always have our games late here in the Netherlands).

>b/ why do you wait for
>it? (the game you chose)

Because I can't make it myself (duh:)

>c/ let's play reviewer/previewer, ok? What
>score you give to that
>game or other "satisfaction" RPG,
>like...mmm...i have play Ultima IX,
>i give 5 score for
>it (from 10), becouse...bla...bla...bla.. or
>Torment, 8 from 10, becouse

Warcraft series: 8.5. The first one was pretty good, even tough the minute you could summon demons/water elementals the game was forfeit. The second one was very good (if quite a lot harder then 1). That's why i'm looking forward to 3.
Ultima collection? you buy ultima collection? why? you want to replay it?
well...as i remember ultima 1-4 is set in cga, and i bet you will suffer much to replay it again eventhough they were great game before. ultima v was not so bad for you to replay, but still their art were outdated and sometime it's bored. Ultima VI is better, i like to replay that game sometimes ago, but i never really finished it again. Ultima VII (a/b) and ultima VIII is another great game, but as i remember they need many adjustment of DOS setting (Ultima collection didn't remade them in windows setting), and this is trouble!

I only guess that now you are playing ultima VI, becouse it's the greatest game in that CD which don't need any adjustment, am i correct?

Diablo II, see...my replay below...
Diablo II and warcraft III, eh?

Diablo II and warcraft III, eh?
what do you meant, "it's depend on it's review?"
now diablo II will face a hard rival, icewind dale and nox, i agree that diablo II offer you with a great graphic, multiplayer option, realtime combat, 5 class, and many element that fallout can't give...hmmmm

Warcraft III, well...it's surely shock me when the 1st time i see it's official site. What if fallout become RTS too, like warcraft III, kharn?

Well, for me, i wait for arcanum, warcraft III and BG II...for arcanum: it's made by Tom Chain, the creator of fallout, the most non-linear game until today...i can't wait to see his next game...
RE: Diablo II and warcraft III, eh?

>what do you meant, "it's depend
>on it's review?"

The reviews that networks like Gameznet and GA-RPG will give to it.

>now diablo II will face a
>hard rival, icewind dale and
>nox, i agree that diablo
>II offer you with a
>great graphic, multiplayer option, realtime
>combat, 5 class, and many
>element that fallout can't give...hmmmm

Yes, but Fallout is more a challenge than a hack-'n-slash game.

>Warcraft III, well...it's surely shock me
>when the 1st time i
>see it's official site. What
>if fallout become RTS too,
>like warcraft III, kharn?

You have a very vivid imagination, Carmen:)

>Well, for me, i wait for
>arcanum, warcraft III and BG
>II...for arcanum: it's made by
>Tom Chain, the creator of
>fallout, the most non-linear game
>until today...i can't wait to
>see his next game...
RE: Diablo II and warcraft III, eh?

There are several reviewer that i usually look for games information, and there are: http://www.gamespot.com and http://www.gamecenter.com

Yes, fallout does! also it's story and universe. That's why we here, aren't we?

Well, thank's...it's becouse many people asking about FOOL or multiplayer and realtime combat, maybe with an addition with some strategic element such as warcraft offered will give it more "ice cream consept"...hehehe :D

ermm...my email in carmen-a@mailcity.com has broken for some days...please send to carmen_a_2000@yahoo.com