Spurs that Jingle Jangle
Yesterday I explored Fallout 4 quite a bit and came across them a few times. I never really understood their point other than they use 'radiation guns' and are generally crazy.
It's funny how they can survive in the glowing sea with all of that radiation. I mean it's not like each of them are hooked up to an IV constantly injecting Rad X into their bodies 24/7 unless they contacted an entity from Skyrim to give them full radiation resistance as long as they sacrifice their children to it. Bethesda handwavium once again, but wait Bethesda just wants to have fun!
It's funny how they can survive in the glowing sea with all of that radiation. I mean it's not like each of them are hooked up to an IV constantly injecting Rad X into their bodies 24/7 unless they contacted an entity from Skyrim to give them full radiation resistance as long as they sacrifice their children to it. Bethesda handwavium once again, but wait Bethesda just wants to have fun!
It would actually be interesting if they relied heavily on drugs, such as Rad X and Radaway. Hence they buy Rad resistant drugs at high prices.
Is Children of Atom related to Children of the Cathedral?
Is Children of Atom related to Children of the Cathedral?
Commonwealth people have high tech weapons for no reasons. Minutemen have laser muskets. CoA have gamma guns. Railroad soldiers have gauss rifles.
They were a nutty cult in Fallout 3, so Bethesda decided to reference themselves and dot them all over the place in Fallout 4. I mean, as an idea they're not bad. What bothers me though is that in Fallout 3 at least, they were worshipping the atom bomb on a daily basis. Technically the confessor guy was irradiated standing in the puddle, but it was only very minor. In Fallout 4 however, they're all just normal humans camped out in what is supposed to be a modern version of the Glow. Yet they're totally fine. Not to mention the Gamma guns, they should all be either dead or ghoulified. I was quite surprised that they didn't make them all Ghouls, as Bethesda was incredibly liberal with Ghoulification in Fallout 4.
There was a guy in Whiterun (Skyrim) who worships Talos, a Nordic god for the rebels. This guy does nothing, except scream in a funny way about how awesome Talos was. Maybe CoA has a similar... er, function?