Just breaking down my process of favorites here.
Lets see Favorite
pistols would be:
- A Light in Shining Darkness
- li'l Devil
- Pew PEW
Li'l Devil wins for the pistol category.
Now for
- Christine's CoS Silencer Rifle
- Paciencia
- Medicine Stick
- YCS/186
- Holorifle
Christine's CoS Silencer Rifle wins the rifle category.
SMG category is between the Vance 9mm and Sleepytime, Sleepytime obviously wins.
Shotgun options:
- Dinner Bell
- Big Boomer
- HoloRifle (This counts as a shotgun right?)
Dinner Bell wins the shotgun category.
Heavy weapon options:
- Sprtel-wood 9700
- The Smitty Special
- Tesla-Beaton Prototype
- Mercy
- Esther
- Annabelle
- Red Victory Grenade Rifle
- K9000 Cyberdog Gun
- CZ57 Avenger
CZ57 Avenger wins the heavy weapons Category.
thrown, placed weapons:
- Holy Frag Grenade
- MFC Cluster
- Fat Mine
MFC Cluster wins this round.
Now out of the chosen what do I consider
my favorite...
- Li'l Devil
- Christine's CoS Silencer Rifle
- Dinner Bell
- Cz57 Avenger
- MFC Cluster
I believe my favorite is
Christine's CoS Silencer Rifle. I just find myself using it most often, compared to any of the others. Although the
MFC cluster sure is a lot of fun, especially in the casinos where no one can run away since it's a hold out weapon.