What is your weather like?

Today our high is 24°c with a low of 16°c and we're expecting cloudy periods.

Pretty comfortable atm.
-3C at 1:18pm.

This is supposed to be the last nice day for awhile I guess. We are probably looking at very very horrible - C's next week.

Central Minnesota is the place to be.
Been a steady around 6-8 minus here all the time. Which is annoying. The cars make the snow that remain here dirty, while there is not comming any new snow. I hope for rain to wash all the dirtsnow away.
We got about 15 cm of snow last night, and it's about -2C which means it'll probably get icy and nasty out on the roads... ugh.
Man, where in Canada are you again? We only got about 1cm last night. It's still a pain in the ass to drive with so many retards on the road.
I live in Kent, WA

yesterday there was hail, rain, snow (that stayed overnight), sunnyness, windyness, cloudsm and some clear sky

not in that order
and i know thats poor english

craziest weather ever

What the fuck kind of spam thread is this shit?

What kind of fucking weather?
It's fucking cold man. There's this white shit on the ground and its fucking cold.


This thread has got to go.