what items (old or new) would you like to see in FO4

ludisonmandela said:
anyways i agree with the ww2 ish weapons

like m1 carbine and such would be great

Have you tried GRA? That piece of DLC added the M1 (called the battle rifle in game).

It also added the Katana and the Bozar. Honest Hearts added the tommy gun. Still no MP40 though.
Makta said:
You don't have to hide it.. We all know that you want to wear the dress from HH on your male character :D

I am not going to say no. I mean, it's the apocalypse! Might as well challenge gender roles, eh? :lol:

Also, the return of rope, wrenches, lockpick kits, and other gameplay-affecting items would be ace.

No, but he was a heavily augmented anti-hero whose implants can predict your moves before you even make them. He also has a wicked sense of dark humor.

I mean, he once kicked a Nazi's head off of his shoulders. Like a football.
So, no Intelligent species of Cockroach men in Mars tha tcan fly into space. They once threw a Chemical Kamehameha at a girl's chest as she was preparing her love confession so it all came out as "glurgh glurgh". And we had spent a whole volume getting attached to said girl.
The Spnial Sword could be an actual item too, along with other body parts, a prop for having Bloody mess.