What plot would YOU give Fallout 3


First time out of the vault
As the setting is "mostly" established in the fallout Universe I was wondering what plot lines you guys would come up for a new fallout...summarised in just a couple of paragraphs...
anyway heres mine:

War comes again:
Its another 50 years on from fallout 2, and the tides of war have come again, This time its the reunification of the USA that drives the armys, As a decendant from the now populous and thriving town of Arroyo you must seek your future amoungst the factions, NCR,S.F. arroyo and VC have all become power players, and there is yet again a new unknown force venturing out from the glow.

The player must make sevral choices, fight for one of the many groups, negotiate a peace, or become a power player himself, or just another gun for hire.

edit:(im such a noob, thanks mod)
I'd devise a plot where people would learn to post in the right places.

Also, that plot sucks. Moving Fallout from an empty wasteland to be explored to a large war between countries is....un-Fallouty, really.

I'd either devise a plot that would finish up the FEV/Super Mutant thread around California, or set it a bit further away (Nevada, perhaps). The plot would have to have quite a bit of dark irony and a few twists as well.
I got a good plot... you're just a guy who wanders the desert with his dog. All of a sudden you stumble upon a community besieged by Raiders. You have to help them escape, using make-shift vehicles...

That would probably make a good movie as well...
Eh sorry, just don't really have any good plots in my head right now. Although a Mad Max-ish plot would be cool.
Sander said:
I'd either devise a plot that would finish up the FEV/Super Mutant thread around California, or set it a bit further away (Nevada, perhaps). The plot would have to have quite a bit of dark irony and a few twists as well.

I don't think that would 'plot up' the entire game, but it's a good theory for a mission, quest or whatever. Frankly, I think this entire mutant-thing is a little kneaded.

Poli's suggestion appeals to me, but maybe is more adapted to be a spin-off to the games (and all of those turned out to be horrible).

But I guess I don't have the right to utter myself, since I have no *good* ideas either.
An alien invasion perhaps? It could go with that retro-futuristic 50s-theme which I like about Fallout. If they make it right that is...
Something like that. It also leaves the opportunity for humoristic events and unexpected twists.
I admit, I kind of liked the idea that was to be used from Van Buren involving the spread of a virus.
Well as a major plot element, I think you should either be or have a major connection to the Wanderer's great grandchild that was born in New Reno and was said to have traveled east....

Now that would be a good connection for Bethesda so that Fallout 3 is actually related to the others :P
Goweigus I think your idea kicks ass because it would keep the whole vault dweller bloodline thing going.

My idea for a story line would have to be that you start from a east coast vault that when the enclave was destroyed by the hero from f2 a fail safe protocol sending the all clear to all sealed vaults.

And when you reach the surface you emerge to find out the earth isn't so lifeless as the training vids led you to believe it would be. You encounter your first ghouls or something and then there is a split in your vaults population to co habit the planet with the ghouls or attempt to wipe them out.

One of the group's wants to take off in search of a new home because they can't live with the other's extremest views and you are sent out in the dead of night as a scout for a new place to live.

Which ever group you belong to (decided in the charter selection screen) has like minded groups in the wasteland the co exist group would like a broken hills type place and the bad group would like vault city. But both are on the verge of war with each other and what remains of the enclave and you decide what to do encourage the war or try and maintain the peace or change the other ones view's.

This type of scenario would let you have the little side quests and major decisions like you did in the first two fallout's
i think that whatever they do with fallout 3 itd be interesting to see a side plot take place in australia.

The plot would follow events before heading into the vaults, since australia wouldnt be directly hit, and events after. kinda like on the beach crossed with mad max.
Australia wouldn't be directly hit? Sounds like someone is a bit overconfident. Surely the Japs would have had some nukes in the Apocalyptic world and thrown a few over there....
Why can't people think of anything other than factions=>war?
Sander said:
Why can't people think of anything other than factions=>war?

Because that is what other generic games have taught them...

I think something encapsulating for Vaults, as well as seeing a "new found" vault where the first contact with any of the outside world is with the protagonist of Fallout 3. Linking more of the Vaults together to find out how and why the vaults function, and if there is a "master" vault there controlling and receiving information from these other vaults, as a sort of social experiment. Of course, some vaults would be long decayed and destroyed, because they were in open, and obvious positions for raiders etc. Yet others are more well hidden to capture more of a diversity of characters in a vault for this experiment.

Then, linking in the spread of the FEV virus, as well as how the towns have developed and/or become ruins.

I'd still like to see a tie in with the original Vault Dweller, but methinks I am asking too much, unlesshe travelled there in search of NEW YORK! New York!!

Sander said:
Why can't people think of anything other than factions=>war?

actually, I thought it would be kind of ironic that the third of the series loops back to where they all started, that is WAR, plenty of dark humor there too, like we nearly wiped the planet clean but as soon as its possible we start fighting again...
Also it kinda fits the long term history(if ya get my meaning) devestation, rebuilding and finally grabs for more power.. the seeds are allready sown for all this in FO2...

I alos like the suggestion of the bloodline continuing from New reno..nice!
Liked the idea of following the bloodlines, grandchild of the vault dweller, what a fucking good family aint it...
A story that is morally unambiguous but not about Good vs. Evil, and where you can take any side you want.
I would like a plot where one can choose between the three four offsprings that the chosen one fathered... Two in the Mordino family and one in one of the rural communities... And maybe one of the cat paw whores And do somthing related to saving respective community or search for someone that's been taken. Or vanquish someone who's about to attack the community...
Something along those lines.
Ooh, I love these kind of topics.

This is my take on a storyline, I won't spoil everything as I may be able to use some of it perhaps in the future.

Taking place several decades after Fallout 2 but in the East beyond the region with the radioactive 'twisters', the player starts as an inhabitant of a Vault that hasn't opened yet, a Vault that is properly built.

Still working on the next part but somewhere during or before the beginning of the game the player would discover that his or her fellow vault Dwellers are being manipulated by an advanced form of electronic hypnotic suggestion, possibly some for of virtual reality, being trained for some unknown goal.

The signal that operates this equipment comes from outside the Vault, the player either decides to leave the Vault (escape?) or is forced to leave the Vault (exile), not sure of either yet.

Going outside the player discovers a world that is a bit of a mix between Fallout 1 and Fallout 2, some towns and outposts have been very successful while others never took off properly.

There would be all kinds of situations here, from raider wars, salvagers that stray into radioactive zones for Pre War stuff (no, not as in Stalker), tribals led by a group with Pre War knowledge and technology, ambitious leaders who want to unify the region under their rule, and a civilization of thinking machines who are not sure if they should exterminate all humans and mutants or not.

Amongst all of this the player would find clues and information regarding experiments and projects started by the Pre War US government, and that some of these are still running despite that the people who started these are long dead.

In the end the player would be in the position to stop a threat that could sterilize what is left of Earth of all life.

I am still stuck about the incentive of what makes the player willing to go outside and not simply accept the life he or she is familiar with in the Vault.

The idea is not so much that the player would be a 'chosen one' but rather an individual who has the opportunity to make a difference if he or she choses to do so.
Dutch, your idea is teh awesome. Someone, get this guy a game studio! Jk, but I still like it.

Perhaps the new Dweller is forced out, due to an unfair trial caused by whoever is using this hypnotic suggestion thingamabob. The Dweller finds out about the mysterious force using this hypnotic suggestion, and tries to go to the Vault's Overseer about it. Only, the mysterious force finds out about this, and has the Dweller arrested, and banished from the Vault. The only way you (the Dweller) can return to your home is by confronting the force at wherever it resides, which is likely nearby the Vault, like Mariposa was nearby Vault 13.
Or, you can say 'screw the Vault', and start a new life among the slightly mutated populace of the area. Either way, though, you discover a plot to bring the world under a New World Order, which plays into the mind control aspect, as people are being abducted from post-apoc towns to get 'willingly' conscripted into an army controlled by the main Big Bad (one who has control over the forces with mind control in your Vault, and consequently, other Vaults). I'll revise this sometime, as it isn't the best, but it gets an idea across. :)