My head hurt. My eyes hurt. Everything hurt. I knew that's what it meant to be an addict junkie, but I just couldn't help it. I LOVED Dixon's Whiskey. I even had the suspicions that Dixon was spiking his goods, but it didn't matter, as long as I could find a few caps and buy another round to get me through the day, everything was going to be fine. I was in the middle of my scrounging rounds when this stranger walked up to me. I didn't really care who he was, but he looked like the sort who could make it on his own in Freeside without hiring a King bodyguard. Couldn't see much of his face, he had some kind of breathing apparatus- a gas mask? -from beneath which looked to be a full, but well-kept beard, and a pair of aviators obscuring most of what little was left of his face to see, under a pretty red beret. Yeah, that and the stone cold killer at his side with a hunting rifle and the same beret, and his general visage looked like a man who could handle himself out here in this lawless place.
I'm not even sure how I could make out the words coming out of his mouth, with that gas mask or whatever in the way, or maybe I was really just THAT high, but he started asking me about my old work here in Freeside. I tried to look auspicious when he brought up the water pump I'd installed, but he quickly moved on to telling me I should quit the drink and help the Followers. My heart sunk immediately, I mean, ANOTHER damn preachy bastard, telling me what to do, how to live my life. I explained that I was happy the way things were. I mean sure, it really hurt. It ALWAYS really hurt. And I knew I was pretty low, but I couldn't care less. Just a few caps, if he wouldn't mind, and I'd get myself another shot of Dixon's finest, and everything would be okay. At least until tomorrow. But no, that self-righteous bastard wouldn't have any of it. Well, I pretty much told him off when he tried to "reason with me" about how bad my situation was. Sure, he had the biggest fucking rifle I'd ever seen slung over his shoulder, and his companion was giving me the dirty looks, but a man's gotta have principles is what I always say! I guess he gave up when he agreed to front the bill on a really extensive number of items to "help me kick the habit". So damn puritanical of him.
But that's when things got weird- and I'm always trying to get high or hammered, so that's saying a lot! The stranger started getting undressed in front of me, and slipped into this silky, leopard-skinned number, God only knows why. Before you knew it, he started popping his own pills and scarfing em down. I mean, the NERVE of this guy, to preach to me about sobering up, and now he's getting high right in my face? What a hypocrite. Then suddenly, he tells me he could whip up a much quicker, cheaper, smaller batch of chems to help get me off the drink. I had to admit, it was a brilliant idea, but before he could even agree to supply me, he told me about good ol' Julie Farkas, tugging at my heart strings, and I practically broke down in tears. I just... I just had to tough it up and sober up on my own! I got up and started heading on out to visit the Followers and undergo the painful process of rehabilitation, while that stranger started changing his clothes again right where he stood. What a weirdo, but damn if he wasn't convincing!