What the player looks like to npc's


First time out of the vault
I am making this thread because i want to know your favorite moments in fallout that would be crazy to the normal wastelander.
I will start you guys out with one of my own.

I was on a NCR patrol near Sloan with my squad mate mike.
A traveler in an old duster passes us just as mike spurts out Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter.
Then the stranger turns to faces us with a blank stare and pulls a fatman out of his duster.
He then proceeds to fire in nonstop straight up in the air then runs away.
A few moments later mininukes start falling from the sky.
Me and mike ran he got caught in one of the blasts
Who the hell was that guy.

Make sure that you post the story from the view of another character's perspective in the fallout world.
You can use moments from any of the games or any mods you may have played.
I use a desert ranger armor with the anti materiel rifle, a first recon beret and aviator sunglasses. I prefer to snipe enemies before they get a chance to react...so I guess I'll be the last thing they'll never see.
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So me and my buddy Bill are just hanging out in Freeside and robbing people, then this*guy*in power armor and a gatling laser comes jumping around carrying 300 pounds of equipment. So naturally it seemed like a good idea for us to run straight at him with our pool cues. He runs straight at us. Bill whacks him with his pool cue but he's just stuffing food into his mouth and injecting himself with stimpaks faster than humanly possible. So he shoots Bill's nuts off and I narrowly escape and find a place to hide. I look over at him and he's pulling Bill's clothes off. I don't even know how he fits all that stuff on him.
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So I was tasked by the brass at the puzzle palace to protect Helios One, a stupid idea if you ask me when suddenly a stranger appears wearing leather armor with a weird floaty robot by his side. He asked me to let him in and when told him that this was restricted NCR territory, he looked at his weird watch thing and pulled out a magazine out of nowhere. After flipping through the pages he chucked it out and it instantly disappeared, probably caught by the wind or something. Then he walked up to me and said that he was a soldier of the NCR and that he was ordered to get there as reinforcements even though he clearly didn't know what the hell this place was seconds ago, but as soon as I started pulling my trusty rifle out, something clicked in my head and I let him through, it was hazy from that moment on.
I had just returned home from working in the Brahmin Pens, i was bone tired and just needed some R&R before the wife comes home. Then the Door opens and in walks the Vault dweller, Now this guys a god around these parts, Armed to the teeth and solid as a rock, he has saved this town and helped my neighbours many times. I tried to engage him in polite conversation but he just point blank ignored me and started going through my stuff, he litterally took everything i owned while i watched and he didnt even bat an eye.

I probably should have said something but i was in shock that he could be so callous given his reputation. After he was finished with my cupboards and shelves and anything else he could find i hoped he would leave me to my shock, but he had one final insult for me. On his way to the door he seemed to notice me for the first time and i thought maybe he was going to apologise but instead he walks over to me and shoves his hand in my pockets and takes the few caps i have on me, then he just strolls outside as if this is the most normal thing in the world.

I stayed rooted to that spot for a good hour until my wife returned, i tried to explain what had happened but she wouldnt believe me and accused me of pawning our stuff to pay for my Jet habbit, i had been off the stuff for three months at that point!. I tried to tell the neighbours but they just laughed at the 'Jet' head telling lies, no one would believe me. Since then my wife has left me for a trapper across the settlement and i have been forced from my home and lost my job thanks to my accusations against the " Saintly vault dweller ".

Now i spend my days standing around a fire filled metal bin trying to survive from one day to the next with some of the other sorry souls who the Wasteland has chewed up and spit out. I see the vault dweller from time to time as he strolls through town, he just looks right through me as if i didnt even exist, no apology, no acknowledgement, i might as well just be some pointless character in a game only he plays. For all his great reputation deep down i know him for what he is, A cold, sadistic opportunist who couldnt care less about 99% of the people he meets while he goes about playing god with their lives.
I had just returned home from working in the Brahmin Pens, i was bone tired and just needed some R&R before the wife comes home. Then the Door opens and in walks the Vault dweller, Now this guys a god around these parts, Armed to the teeth and solid as a rock, he has saved this town and helped my neighbours many times. I tried to engage him in polite conversation but he just point blank ignored me and started going through my stuff, he litterally took everything i owned while i watched and he didnt even bat an eye.

I probably should have said something but i was in shock that he could be so callous given his reputation. After he was finished with my cupboards and shelves and anything else he could find i hoped he would leave me to my shock, but he had one final insult for me. On his way to the door he seemed to notice me for the first time and i thought maybe he was going to apologise but instead he walks over to me and shoves his hand in my pockets and takes the few caps i have on me, then he just strolls outside as if this is the most normal thing in the world.

I stayed rooted to that spot for a good hour until my wife returned, i tried to explain what had happened but she wouldnt believe me and accused me of pawning our stuff to pay for my Jet habbit, i had been off the stuff for three months at that point!. I tried to tell the neighbours but they just laughed at the 'Jet' head telling lies, no one would believe me. Since then my wife has left me for a trapper across the settlement and i have been forced from my home and lost my job thanks to my accusations against the " Saintly vault dweller ".

Now i spend my days standing around a fire filled metal bin trying to survive from one day to the next with some of the other sorry souls who the Wasteland has chewed up and spit out. I see the vault dweller from time to time as he strolls through town, he just looks right through me as if i didnt even exist, no apology, no acknowledgement, i might as well just be some pointless character in a game only he plays. For all his great reputation deep down i know him for what he is, A cold, sadistic opportunist.

Perfect, except for the very last part you'll find I removed in the quote. Love this thread by the way, keep em' coming while I try to think of one.


I also got a good idea from this one, and wanted to expand on it and change it a little:

So I was tasked by the brass at the puzzle palace to protect Helios One, a stupid idea if you ask me when suddenly a stranger appears wearing leather armor with a weird floaty robot by his side. He asked me to let him in and when told him that this was restricted NCR territory, he walked around the corner of the building without saying another word to where he was out of sight. Literally no less than 5 seconds later he comes back from around the corner wearing an NCR uniform, and he walk's right by me, and without even stopping to talk, he says that he's with the NCR and was ordered here as reinforcements as he walks by me, and then simply let's himself in to the power plant. I simply stood there dumbfounded, wondering what the hell just happened, asking myself if he really figured that was going to work or did work. I thought about pursuing him and arresting him, but I figured what the hell damage could he do to a power plant that's already broken down.
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I also got a good idea from this one, and wanted to expand on it and change it a little:

So I was tasked by the brass at the puzzle palace to protect Helios One, a stupid idea if you ask me when suddenly a stranger appears wearing leather armor with a weird floaty robot by his side. He asked me to let him in and when told him that this was restricted NCR territory, he walked around the corner of the building without saying another word to where he was out of sight. Literally no less than 5 seconds later he comes back from around the corner wearing an NCR uniform, and he walk's right by me, and without even stopping to talk, he says that he's with the NCR and was ordered here as reinforcements as he walks by me, and then simply let's himself in to the power plant. I simply stood there dumbfounded, wondering what the hell just happened, asking myself if he really figured that was going to work or did work. I thought about pursuing him and arresting him, but I figured what the hell damage could he do to a power plant that's already broken down.

Damn, your one is way better.
Bill Ronte's thoughts on the Courier:
My head hurt. My eyes hurt. Everything hurt. I knew that's what it meant to be an addict junkie, but I just couldn't help it. I LOVED Dixon's Whiskey. I even had the suspicions that Dixon was spiking his goods, but it didn't matter, as long as I could find a few caps and buy another round to get me through the day, everything was going to be fine. I was in the middle of my scrounging rounds when this stranger walked up to me. I didn't really care who he was, but he looked like the sort who could make it on his own in Freeside without hiring a King bodyguard. Couldn't see much of his face, he had some kind of breathing apparatus- a gas mask? -from beneath which looked to be a full, but well-kept beard, and a pair of aviators obscuring most of what little was left of his face to see, under a pretty red beret. Yeah, that and the stone cold killer at his side with a hunting rifle and the same beret, and his general visage looked like a man who could handle himself out here in this lawless place.

I'm not even sure how I could make out the words coming out of his mouth, with that gas mask or whatever in the way, or maybe I was really just THAT high, but he started asking me about my old work here in Freeside. I tried to look auspicious when he brought up the water pump I'd installed, but he quickly moved on to telling me I should quit the drink and help the Followers. My heart sunk immediately, I mean, ANOTHER damn preachy bastard, telling me what to do, how to live my life. I explained that I was happy the way things were. I mean sure, it really hurt. It ALWAYS really hurt. And I knew I was pretty low, but I couldn't care less. Just a few caps, if he wouldn't mind, and I'd get myself another shot of Dixon's finest, and everything would be okay. At least until tomorrow. But no, that self-righteous bastard wouldn't have any of it. Well, I pretty much told him off when he tried to "reason with me" about how bad my situation was. Sure, he had the biggest fucking rifle I'd ever seen slung over his shoulder, and his companion was giving me the dirty looks, but a man's gotta have principles is what I always say! I guess he gave up when he agreed to front the bill on a really extensive number of items to "help me kick the habit". So damn puritanical of him.

But that's when things got weird- and I'm always trying to get high or hammered, so that's saying a lot! The stranger started getting undressed in front of me, and slipped into this silky, leopard-skinned number, God only knows why. Before you knew it, he started popping his own pills and scarfing em down. I mean, the NERVE of this guy, to preach to me about sobering up, and now he's getting high right in my face? What a hypocrite. Then suddenly, he tells me he could whip up a much quicker, cheaper, smaller batch of chems to help get me off the drink. I had to admit, it was a brilliant idea, but before he could even agree to supply me, he told me about good ol' Julie Farkas, tugging at my heart strings, and I practically broke down in tears. I just... I just had to tough it up and sober up on my own! I got up and started heading on out to visit the Followers and undergo the painful process of rehabilitation, while that stranger started changing his clothes again right where he stood. What a weirdo, but damn if he wasn't convincing!
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Bill Ronte's thoughts on the Courier:
My head hurt. My eyes hurt. Everything hurt. I knew that's what it meant to be an addict junkie, but I just couldn't help it. I LOVED Dixon's Whiskey. I even had the suspicions that Dixon was spiking his goods, but it didn't matter, as long as I could find a few caps and buy another round to get me through the day, everything was going to be fine. I was in the middle of my scrounging rounds when this stranger walked up to me. I didn't really care who he was, but he looked like the sort who could make it on his own in Freeside without hiring a King bodyguard. Couldn't see much of his face, he had some kind of breathing apparatus- a gas mask? -from beneath which looked to be a full, but well-kept beard, and a pair of aviators obscuring most of what little was left of his face to see, under a pretty red beret. Yeah, that and the stone cold killer at his side with a hunting rifle and the same beret, and his general visage looked like a man who could handle himself out here in this lawless place.

I'm not even sure how I could make out the words coming out of his mouth, with that gas mask or whatever in the way, or maybe I was really just THAT high, but he started asking me about my old work here in Freeside. I tried to look auspicious when he brought up the water pump I'd installed, but he quickly moved on to telling me I should quit the drink and help the Followers. My heart sunk immediately, I mean, ANOTHER damn preachy bastard, telling me what to do, how to live my life. I explained that I was happy the way things were. I mean sure, it really hurt. It ALWAYS really hurt. And I knew I was pretty low, but I couldn't care less. Just a few caps, if he wouldn't mind, and I'd get myself another shot of Dixon's finest, and everything would be okay. At least until tomorrow. But no, that self-righteous bastard wouldn't have any of it. Well, I pretty much told him off when he tried to "reason with me" about how bad my situation was. Sure, he had the biggest fucking rifle I'd ever seen slung over his shoulder, and his companion was giving me the dirty looks, but a man's gotta have principles is what I always say! I guess he gave up when he agreed to front the bill on a really extensive number of items to "help me kick the habit". So damn puritanical of him.

But that's when things got weird- and I'm always trying to get high or hammered, so that's saying a lot! The stranger started getting undressed in front of me, and slipped into this silky, leopard-skinned number, God only knows why. Before you knew it, he started popping his own pills and scarfing em down. I mean, the NERVE of this guy, to preach to me about sobering up, and now he's getting high right in my face? What a hypocrite. Then suddenly, he tells me he could whip up a much quicker, cheaper, smaller batch of chems to help get me off the drink. I had to admit, it was a brilliant idea, but before he could even agree to supply me, he told me about good ol' Julie Farkas, tugging at my heart strings, and I practically broke down in tears. I just... I just had to tough it up and sober up on my own! I got up and started heading on out to visit the Followers and undergo the painful process of rehabilitation, while that stranger started changing his clothes again right where he stood. What a weirdo, but damn if he wasn't convincing!

Loved it, the story was well told and it had all the right game elements in all the right places. best one yet.
I was wandering the wasteland, minding my own business when suddenly some guy in naughty nightwear threw a toy car at my face then proceeded to punch my head off with his bare hands.
It's 8 AM. Just another routine day guarding the main entrance to Vault City. Or it was, until this outsider and his friends came in. The group featured a tribal wearing odd purple robes and a bone through his nose, an overweight guy in leather armor and the bartender from the Courtyard. The leader was wearing Combat Armor and had a Hunting Rifle on his back.
I asked him for a day pass. He showed it to me, all the while smiling like an idiot. Is he hiding something from me? Nevertheless, the day pass was legit, but I still needed to search him for drugs, alcohol or other illegal items.
When I told him that I must conduct the search, he quickly started digging his pockets and handing over things to his companions. It took about a minute for him to hand over 10 bottles of beer and liquor, a few packs of Mentats, some Psycho and dozens of Jet inhalers to his friends. After that, he told me that it's okay to search him, so I did. Turns out he was clean, so I said "All right, it looks like you're clean. Go on through" and let the whole group in.
Hmm... Did I forget something?
When I told him that I must conduct the search, he quickly started digging his pockets and dropping stuff on the ground. It took about a minute for him to drop 10 bottles of beer and liquor, a few packs of Mentats, some Psycho and dozens of Jet inhalers. After that, he told me that it's okay to search him, so I did. Turns out he was clean, so I said "All right, it looks like you're clean. Go on through" and let him in. He smiled, bent over fourty two times and passed throught. Some back problems I guess. Life is harsh in the wastes.

alternative ending