what was before the 50s ?

SuAside said:
Crni Vuk said:
how would you apply porn to Steam engines ?
Rule 34...

Guess you didn't see the clip/picture with a steam powered dildo...it was on some pornsite somewhere. This chick was having a really good time with it...

Porn can be "applied" to anything that can store or play information. Steam power can't do that.
Blakut said:
SuAside said:
Crni Vuk said:
how would you apply porn to Steam engines ?
Rule 34...

Guess you didn't see the clip/picture with a steam powered dildo...it was on some pornsite somewhere. This chick was having a really good time with it...

Porn can be "applied" to anything that can store or play information. Steam power can't do that.

Porn actually can be aplied or taken from anything. That is the point of rule 34. It's just a matter of how you apply it.
If you post rule 34 in this thread, you'll unlock the admin's secret boot size.

Alsoplustoo, Does everyone stroke their sausage to /b/ now?
'If you predict 100 things in the future, 5 will become true'
-Mike Hodges, director of 'The Terminal Man'

Apt predictions of today from the past (from the top of my head)

-Interactive wallscreen TV's (Ray Bradbury, Fareinheit 451, 1953)

-Wikipedia (H.G.Wells, The Shape Of Things To Come, 1933)

-Glass skyscrapers (Jules Verne, Paris in the 20th Cen. 1863)

-Robots (Karel Capek, Rossum’s Universal Robots, 1920)

-IVF (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, 1932)

Personally, I do expect that the 'net was the 'house that porn built'. It was only a couple of years ago that porn traffic went under 50%.
well this topic was anyway more or less for the luzl. Of course its not so much about the predictions but more about to get some impression how people thought and feelt about the future and their own time.

Blakut said:
Predictions from the past aren't worth a thing. Just thought i'd mention that.

Bull-fucking-shit. Predictions from the past are worth plenty as an insight both to the culture of the time, and for generally being really cool. I wish we lived in Arthur C. Clarkes 2001.
Wooz said:
I wrote my MA thesis on American visions of the future from the 30's to the end of the 50's.

Any chance of reading that thesis Wooz, was it published on the net…and was it written in English. :wink: