'If you predict 100 things in the future, 5 will become true'
-Mike Hodges, director of 'The Terminal Man'
Apt predictions of today from the past (from the top of my head)
-Interactive wallscreen TV's (Ray Bradbury, Fareinheit 451, 1953)
-Wikipedia (H.G.Wells, The Shape Of Things To Come, 1933)
-Glass skyscrapers (Jules Verne, Paris in the 20th Cen. 1863)
-Robots (Karel Capek, Rossum’s Universal Robots, 1920)
-IVF (Aldous Huxley, Brave New World, 1932)
Personally, I do expect that the 'net was the 'house that porn built'. It was only a couple of years ago that porn traffic went under 50%.