What was the Funniest Argument You've had with a Bethesda Apologist?

@JO'Geran @CerberusGate
Oh man I love YT comments so much.

Don't question it. It's so obvious why all of these things happen. Here's an earlier one:

All of these crybabies. Lol Fallout 1 and 2 and New Vegas had bad writing as well. :D
To which I reply:
Like what?
He gives me this:
there's a lot
I need more information:
Give an example. Just one.
He retorts:
Why do people dress up like Romans? Its because they wanted a cool enemy.
I try to explain:
"Cool enemy" says the guy defending Bethesda. Anyway if you had turned your brain on and actually played the game you would have talked to Caesar. He explains why the Legion model themselves after Romans, and why they're more of a mockery of Rome rather than a resurrection. Seriously I won't go into detail, search it up.
He gives me this gem:
Caesar? lol no I killed him XD

If you ever want to know why sometimes I break down into a fury of XDs! People like him are the reason. It was a few months ago I encountered my first Bethestard using XDs but this one has got to be the most insulting. Everything I hate about new Fallouts can be summed up by this ignorant twat.
I seen a person that claimed that his favorite game was Fallout 4!(Holy shit my sides)
then someone else was telling him how he had shit taste if his favorite game happened to be Fallout 4 to which he told him that it's not his fault that he has different tastes to him and that his was good. Some people.
Not only that, but the personality of the character's who you might feel like sleeping with, are based entirely around your character.

Since every single character is now player-sexual, and only exists in accordance to what they can do to the player, you can fuck everyone.
Not the dog. :(
bethesda must be very sad when ungratful kids say they dont like there games. :( becase fallout 4 was so hated will we get skyrim 2?

Youtube is a great tool, enabling talented people to express themselves online. However it also has a comments section, wherein untalented people like myself can express their opinions on said talent.
The gift that JUST KEEPS ON GIVING (I want out of this hell) (wew lad)
Meh, I thought New Vegas was boring as hell. The wasteland was boring to explore and I couldn't care less about the story.
When you don't know how to insult something so you just call it "boring" and then explain that you found it was "boring" because you just didn't do anything
The gift that JUST KEEPS ON GIVING (I want out of this hell) (wew lad)

When you don't know how to insult something so you just call it "boring" and then explain that you found it was "boring" because you just didn't do anything
They probably find it boring because reading is teh hards especially if you're a Bethestard.
That food can survive a nuclear explosion and last forever without formaldehyde.

That the games are good even though they launch with half the content missing because Obsidian did that. Even though the working bits of New Vegas were at least as good as Bethesda at its height...10+ years ago.

That broken gimmicks=innovation. I get enough of that bs at my university near silicon valley.
That food can survive a nuclear explosion and last forever without formaldehyde.
Only thing that could probably do that would be hardtack as long as it doesn't get wet or contaminated but I highly doubt it would last a nuclear explosion. 150 year old hardtack was found and was still good without being packaged, which was then put into a museum. When it comes to anything else in terms of food even canned food that's not possible unless there's another type of food that could last that long without going bad.
In response to a youtube comment I made I got this priceless "write things in all caps to emphasize and give something to the nothing I wrote" reply.

"I played fallout 2 back in the day and for some reason I quit playing about 20-25% through, can't remember why. Ive spent over 1000 hrs with F3, NV and F4 combined. So, who is doing things right? Yes, dislike here. The guy makes good points but Bethesda has made the game SO MUCH MORE FUN and I'm actually ROLE PLAYING MORE."
Do these people know what these words mean?
When I mention that what roleplaying games (P&P, cRPGs, Tactical RPG, Action RPG, JRPG, etc) all have in common is that the characters use their own stats and skills in the world/environment, to fight, dealing with other characters, etc, they say I am wrong and that Fallout 4 is a real RPG :wtf:, one even said he was loving roleplaying his character as Darth Vader leading the institute with focus on building :scratch:. I have no words for that, for these people roleplaying is make believe in their minds even if the world does not offer anything to support this make believe and the player's skill is the one thing that interects with the world, combat, etc...