Huge worlds, like Fallout 1/2. Especially 2.
More vehicles. Don't make it vehicle-based, of course, but I want the Highwayman back. And maybe a boat.
An option to become a full member of the BoS. In fact, just in general more possible "paths" within factions. Not just allying with them.
Crafting, like in NV, only better... it's hard to explain.
A real use for the science skill, outside of a few quests.
More-realistic weapon skill distribution. Get rid of energy weapons skill-they're handled exactly the same as firearms, so just put them all into either "big" or "small" guns.
More options to lay traps, assassinate, or do other stealthy methods, so your options aren't just "run", "talk out", or "fight".
A better crippled-limb/blindness/general body-part-damage system.
A return to playing Vault Outcasts. We've played (for the main games): Vault, Tribe, Vault, Civilized Wastelander. Naturally, next is another Vaulter.
A Midwestern location, like Chicago or Detroit. Or the south-not too deep, though, so you could fit in Kentucky, and have some groups fighting over control of Fort Knox
. Or the general Van Buren area-the Four States Commonwealth! Would be fun to encounter cowboy-types in Arizona, survivalist Mormons in Utah, old nuclear test sites in New Mexico...
Weather. Rain (not if it's a desert, though. And maybe acidic, for apocalypticness), snow ("nuclear winter"), dust storms...
More awesome weapons on their own, not just modding the ones you have to oblivion. Like an acid squirt gun, or a semi-automatic crossbow.
The ability to kill whoever I goddamn want. If I want to kill them, I should be able to kill them. I don't want moral guardians ruining my game.
Better GUI/vision abilities/items. Like binoculars and whatnot.
No more darn fast travel. But, as consolation, better random encounters.
Yes Enclave. But the real weakened, post-FO2 Enclave, not the "shiny huge-ass guns" Enclave from FO3.
No more karma. A much-more-complex, faction-based rep system, instead. It should be the player, not the game, who decides what's good and bad.
Some sly little references to earlier Fallout games. FO2 had some good references to FO1, but FNV (3 is excused, since it's set on the other side of the continent) basically just took a few bits of flavor material.
First-person (it's a nice fit, IMHO), but with a bullet-time system for not-quite-turnbasedness.
More functions for the in-game date. Aside from Hakunin's messages in FO2 and the water countdown and caravan runs in FO1, I don't recall any particular date-based functions. For example, maybe a caravan of traders would only come to a certain town once a month, and otherwise you'd have to track them down in the wasteland.
A return to the subtle 50s Americana of FO1, and sort of FO2. FO3 had to shove it down your throat, and FNV barely had it at all.
More vehicles. Don't make it vehicle-based, of course, but I want the Highwayman back. And maybe a boat.
An option to become a full member of the BoS. In fact, just in general more possible "paths" within factions. Not just allying with them.
Crafting, like in NV, only better... it's hard to explain.
A real use for the science skill, outside of a few quests.
More-realistic weapon skill distribution. Get rid of energy weapons skill-they're handled exactly the same as firearms, so just put them all into either "big" or "small" guns.
More options to lay traps, assassinate, or do other stealthy methods, so your options aren't just "run", "talk out", or "fight".
A better crippled-limb/blindness/general body-part-damage system.
A return to playing Vault Outcasts. We've played (for the main games): Vault, Tribe, Vault, Civilized Wastelander. Naturally, next is another Vaulter.
A Midwestern location, like Chicago or Detroit. Or the south-not too deep, though, so you could fit in Kentucky, and have some groups fighting over control of Fort Knox

Weather. Rain (not if it's a desert, though. And maybe acidic, for apocalypticness), snow ("nuclear winter"), dust storms...
More awesome weapons on their own, not just modding the ones you have to oblivion. Like an acid squirt gun, or a semi-automatic crossbow.
The ability to kill whoever I goddamn want. If I want to kill them, I should be able to kill them. I don't want moral guardians ruining my game.
Better GUI/vision abilities/items. Like binoculars and whatnot.
No more darn fast travel. But, as consolation, better random encounters.
Yes Enclave. But the real weakened, post-FO2 Enclave, not the "shiny huge-ass guns" Enclave from FO3.
No more karma. A much-more-complex, faction-based rep system, instead. It should be the player, not the game, who decides what's good and bad.
Some sly little references to earlier Fallout games. FO2 had some good references to FO1, but FNV (3 is excused, since it's set on the other side of the continent) basically just took a few bits of flavor material.
First-person (it's a nice fit, IMHO), but with a bullet-time system for not-quite-turnbasedness.
More functions for the in-game date. Aside from Hakunin's messages in FO2 and the water countdown and caravan runs in FO1, I don't recall any particular date-based functions. For example, maybe a caravan of traders would only come to a certain town once a month, and otherwise you'd have to track them down in the wasteland.
A return to the subtle 50s Americana of FO1, and sort of FO2. FO3 had to shove it down your throat, and FNV barely had it at all.