What would you do?

Rat, what the fuck is your avatar holding, exactly?

/ontopic: Buy an apartment in an expensive neighbourhood in a decent European city. Rent it. Then, take a loan and buy yourself a reasonably good apartment. The rent money from the expensive apartment should give you enough dough to pay back the loan progressively, bit by bit each month.

Or buy a giant rubber version of "Gertie the dinosaur" and collapse it on Belgium. You'll become a national hero for creating Belgium's first mountain range.
Secureing the arizona border wont do much, wetbacks will still cross through cali and texas..
€ 80 000, eh?

I'd probably use it to pay the university fees and find a decent flat.
Not enough to buy one, but at least it'd pay the rent for some time.

But knowing myself, I'd probably spend it on re-enactment stuff, computer hardware and beer.
Oh, yeah, and:

Elissar said:
$2500 per square meter? holy shit.
Euros, not dollars. My apartment is worth about €120,000 (€2000 per square meter - yes, I live in a matchbox with only 60 m^2). I estimate in a decade it will be be worth at least twice as much, if not thrice. It's insane, plain and simple.
Find a used BMW M5 (E28) in tip-top shape, pay off my stupid debts, take a semester off from college and tour the US with a medium-format camera and a 16mm Bolex.
Splice Khann, CitizenKhan, and Kharn into one perfect blending, simply to alleviate my confusion.