Whats the first game you ever played


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I was just thinking about looking at porn when I asked myself, whats the first game I ever played.I think it was Hocus Pocus, a shareware game from the good old year of '94. The first playstation game I ever played was this queer game called Cyborg or something that had a white cover with the name of the game on it.You started off in this hanger and there was this spaceship next to you and whenever you went around the corner, you got killed instantly.The last game i played was called Truck Dismount, possibly the weirdest game ever made.
syko said:
I was just thinking about looking at porn when I asked myself, whats the first game I ever played...
The first playstation game I ever played was this queer game called Cyborg...
The last game i played was called Truck Dismount...
What kind of games do you have in Australia, eh? :shock:

Hmm, I want to say Frogger for Apple ][ or whatever that thing was called... I know it was some game on that machine, that's for sure.

Didn't we have this thread already?
The very first one would have to be a clunky soviet arcade machine in the local movie theater, where you shoot ships with a torpedo. It was so cool, and must've been some time in the later 80's.

I don't remember the first computer game I've ever played, but the first one I owed was "Glug-Glug" for a soviet version of ZX Spectrum where you are a diver who fishes sunken treasures from the sea.

I think the first video game was Pong
The first computer/PC game on a network was probably Warmpus or maybe Trek.
First Atari game was the game it came with.
First PC game- Commodore had a Joust game.

Damn, feeling my age now.
welsh said:
Damn, feeling my age now.

You actually played Pong? That must indeed make you an oldie.

The first game I ever played was Wolfenstein 3D. It came with my first computer. My parents didn't have the money to buy a pc, so I had to wait until I could do summerjobs and buy one myself.

When I was like 10 or so, a friend of mine had a Schneider with a cassette-deck in the keyboard. I wanted one like that so badly back then. And another friend had a ZX Spectrum he built himself. He didn't play games on it, though. He used it for maths.
I think the first non-freeware/text-adventure game I played was King's Quest on an Apple II, around '84 or so. Before that it was mostly whatever text-adventures were floating around my neighbors house, can't remember any of their names though.

Edit: completely forgot: Parsec on a TI994A. Jesus that was a long time ago.
hmm... on PC the first game was Gods... on C64 I don't really remember... I was only 3 or 4 then...
The first video game I played...Let's see - if I remember correctly, it was some simple arcade on NES where you controll a white gun-thing and shoot white tank-things that come from right of the screen. It was stupid and boring, and I have no idea what it was called.

The first C64 game I played was either Turrican or Barbarian, don't know for sure.

The first PC games I played were Red Baron, some kind of a motorcycle racing game with EGA graphics by Accolade and F19 Stealth Fighter.
Blade Runner said:
welsh said:
Damn, feeling my age now.

You actually played Pong? That must indeed make you an oldie.

Hey Odin, it's nice to know I'm not the only oldie.

Yes, I remember it as a kid at a run-down airport in Florida, 6th grade.

But I think it was Doom (share ware) that really got me hooked. I remember playing that and think "THIS ROCKS!"
When my friend first got an Atari 2600 I would always go over to play Pong or Missile Command. At the arcades, probably the first video game I played was Pac Man. On the pc the first was probably Doom.
Ratty: wasn't that game called Tanks, I still remember those cartridges we put in to "load" the game...

Anyone who didn't started out playing games using cartridges, haven't been around long enough :P

Oh and do anyone remember those small portable ones, with donkey kong on it and the Mario, damn I wanted one of those. Instead I got Kiss - Unmasked (casette)..was good that too..
The first was Pong, in 78 or 79, Ugly John remembers the name of the machine where it all started.
The first games i got were for the official ZXSpectrum 48k , in 81 or 82 i think, i don`t remember precisely what games i had first, still play them on emulators from time to time.
Odin said:
Ratty: wasn't that game called Tanks, I still remember those cartridges we put in to "load" the game...

Anyone who didn't started out playing games using cartridges, haven't been around long enough :P

Oh and do anyone remember those small portable ones, with donkey kong on it and the Mario, damn I wanted one of those. Instead I got Kiss - Unmasked (casette)..was good that too..
I really don't remember what that game was called. It came on one of those cartridges that contain a number of various simple games. That was the first cartridge I got, and that game was first one on the list, so that's why it's the first I ever played. :)

Tanks? Do you mean that game where you control a tank, as does your oponent, and your objective is to defend some kind of an eagle (?) and destroy your enemy's eagle. The areas where usually labyrinths with destroyable parts and powerups scattered around. Yeah, that was a fun game, especially in 2 player mode.

What I liked about cartridges was that it was easy to steal them. My friend and I used to rent cartridges at a local store, try out the game, and if we liked it, we would simply open the cardtridge case, remove the ROM module and replace it with a ROM of a game which we were tired of. Nobody ever suspected a thing. :twisted:
POng for me too.
I had the home version later on.
You could choose between regular pong, hockey (modified pong), another game and my favorite the big white square that went around the screen and that you had to shhot with a realistic looking gun.
hmmm after that i had an atari 2600 with pac-man and pit fall. Then an intellevision (wich i still own) with about 40 games, Then a vic-20 with a cassette player where you had to have a memory cartrige to play pac-man, then C-64 and a shitload of games.

Brio i,m blanking on the name of the machine, let me check it out.
When I was a lad, in the long forgotten late 80's, I had one of those generic Japanese systems that had like 600 games in one cartridge (but some games turned out to be repeats with slight variations to it, such as a different color character). It had Mario, The Goonies, Xataria, Donkey Kong (the old version where you're Mario and you have to rescue the princess by jumping over barrels the monkey throws at you), the other Donkey Kong (the one where you are a monkey and have to rescue you're bigger and badder father monkey by dodging electric bolts thrown, ironically, by Mario), those cheesy early shooter games where you have to shoot down ducks and if you miss, your hunting hound laughs at you (...bastard), and hordes of others. You know, all those "classic" games that I never considered classic at the time. That kept me entertained for a good number of years until Super Nintendo came out.

I never got into the computer game scene early on. I remembered Doom but I was too scared to play it (I was still in grade school). My parents didn't approve me off splenking in a castle killing Nazi's, as noble as that sound, so Wolfenstein 3D was out of the question. The true game that returned me to the computer scene would have to be Jedi Knight: Dark Forces. Yeah, I'm a late budder but I made up for it by spending most of my time gaming.
I wish i had been around to play on atari's and spectrum's. I can still remember playing on this atari 2600, when i was 6 or so, a flying game where you were this white plane and you flew over this green landscape and shot stuff. I also remember playing this rambo game where helicopters shot at you alot on the sega megadrive. I never really liked consoles, i much preferred pc games like duke nukem, dr. riptide, heartlight, wacky wheels(oh how i loved that game) and One Must Fall. I played that shareware demo to death. I think i had like $900 million in the end. Jazz Jackrabbit was pretty cool to, i've heard Jazz Jackrabbit 3 is in production. Oh this brings back some memorys.