Whats the first game you ever played

I don't know the name of the game but it was for Atari. I believe it was a mouse in a magician robe walking around raised platforms kind like in the game with the yellow guy with just feet and a mouth that looks like a sucker.....Hmm anyone have ANY idea what I am talking about. :?:

P.S. OMG, I can't believe I could find what game I was talking about just by seeing the title on a Atari 2600 game list. The game was called "Crystal Castle." It's a bear and not a mouse, wow that is hilarious. I must have been around 4 or so when I played this game and I remember it to this day.

Mohrg :twisted:
Gunslinger said:
those cheesy early shooter games where you have to shoot down ducks and if you miss, your hunting hound laughs at you (...bastard),

That brings back memories. I remember unloading all my bullets on that fucking dog, vainly wishing that an animation of his head exploding would miraculously appear....
Do you guys remember how we fucked up the joystick on the C64 while playing Summer Games, Sex Olympics and such ?
Odin said:
Do you guys remember how me fucked up the joystick on the C64 while playing Summer Games, Sex Olympics and such ?
You mean like in the 100 meter dash, where you had to left-right the joystick as fast as you could until the ned of the race. After that your arm you be tired or the joystick broken.
I actually had 4 or 5 joystick. A big one for "space" games, two that looked like the atari joysticks, a really tiny one for castle of dr creep, and another one where the stick part could be change to reflect the type of game you were playing.
syko said:
I wish i had been around to play on atari's and spectrum's. I can still remember playing on this atari 2600, when i was 6 or so, a flying game where you were this white plane and you flew over this green landscape and shot stuff. I also remember playing this rambo game where helicopters shot at you alot on the sega megadrive. I never really liked consoles, i much preferred pc games like duke nukem, dr. riptide, heartlight, wacky wheels(oh how i loved that game) and One Must Fall. I played that shareware demo to death. I think i had like $900 million in the end. Jazz Jackrabbit was pretty cool to, i've heard Jazz Jackrabbit 3 is in production. Oh this brings back some memorys.
I played Duke Nukem, Wacky Wheels, and One Must Fall, those games were cool. Those names bring back memories.
Very very first? this Martio-esque game which was kind of a built-in game for this huge console-esque machine (big screen, two joysticks, and you could only play that game on it)

I think Atari was first after that, with...don't remember the name of the game; the little kid with the yoyo...What was it called again? Closely followed by some DOS games (Nibbles) and that's followed by some old Sega 8-Bit (the little dude with the boxing glove) or Megadrive/Genisis games (Sonic, Streets of Rage II)

Ancient Oldie said:
Gunslinger said:
those cheesy early shooter games where you have to shoot down ducks and if you miss, your hunting hound laughs at you (...bastard),

That brings back memories. I remember unloading all my bullets on that fucking dog, vainly wishing that an animation of his head exploding would miraculously appear....

I remember this one for the...SNES, I think, maybe the NES. But as both of those really sucked, I didn't play it much (didn't have a (S)NES)
I actually remember this game on one of the first Apple Computers- kind of an educational game called Taipan- where you got to ship goods from different Asian ports and trade for the best prices or fight pirates. YOu either start with a debt or a cannon. Fighting pirates kicked ass. THere was another game about shipping and dealing oil where you could buy oil, enter into exclusive agreements, and had to deal with price runs or oil spills. Crazy education games.
welsh said:
I actually remember this game on one of the first Apple Computers- kind of an educational game called Taipan- where you got to ship goods from different Asian ports and trade for the best prices or fight pirates. YOu either start with a debt or a cannon. Fighting pirates kicked ass.

This game rules! I still play it occasionally on a IIe emulator, though I think someone came out with a windows version at some point.
Agrarians in most regions of the US were also advocates of open markets. Northerners, like most Southerners, were still farmers (84% for the whole country). The North, however, was increasingly industrial, with 20 percent of its workforce engaged in manufacturing, compared to 8 percent in the South. Southerner planters, committed to a pastoral slave-based culture and economy, were net consumers of manufactured goods – goods which would cost more under a tariff regime. The South expressed hostility to the measure throughout the debates, but a substantial number ultimately were compelled to consider its protective advantages.[21]
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Hmmm... The first game i ever played on a computer that i actually owned was Prince of Persia. I bet i have played something before with some friend of mine but i dont really remember what...
On the PC, probably either Lion King or Prince of Persia (which was already pretty old by then, but still a living classic). Can't remember exactly.

On the C64, some kind of football game on a cartridge that came with the Commodore.

IRL, can't remember.
Duck Hunt Roxx ;)

It was the second game I played besides the standard Mario on the NES console... until my younger brother had the marvelous idea of cutting off the "string" from the orange gun you used to shoot, in order to play with his friends... a looooong, looong time ago. He must have been like 5 or 6.

PC: Indiana jones and the last Crusade (circa 1990), a game that I liked pretty much was Civilization 1&2, but 'twas nothing compared to the rush the Fallout games gave to me.
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