Some people called it "presidents and a**holes"....we just called it "a**hole".
Most people probably know it but it works like this (just in case you missed the best social drinking game ever)
1 or 2 decks of playing cards (ideally people should have ~11+ cards, so add a deck if you have 5+ people, take out all 3's and/or 4's if hands get too large).
1) to start, everyone picks a card randomly, you are "elected" in order of card rank: President, V-prez, <invent cabinet names>, sh*thead, and finally, a**hole.
2)Object of game: get rid of all cards, make everyone "lower" in rank than you drink on command, scheme to be president.
3)Play: President starts the game by playing a card, everyone tries, in order, to play a higher card (if they decline to play they drink), play continues until no-one is willing to play on the last card and it comes around to the person who played it, at which point a**hole "sweeps" the cards and the person who had the last card played gets to lead.
If a pair or more of cards are played to start, like 3-3 or even 7-7-7-7-7, then you can only play a higher pair (or whatever) than what was lead, you CANT play 5-5-5 if 4-4 was lead, the number of cards played stays the same until the round is over and someone leads a fresh card, or cards.
Cards are ranked from A-high down to 3-low...deuces are special in that you can play a single deuce and immediately win the round and lead a new card, even if someone started with 4 aces as their much of the strategy comes from knowing when to use your 2's, and when to lead a pair or more (Many a president has toppled holding their last Ace while watching doubles and triples being played around the table).
You keep playing until eveyone has played their last cards, then people are reseated in the order that they "went out"...ran out of cards, 1st person out is the new President, and so on. If you have one card left you must declare "Last card" to the table...or drink alot.
-You drink when you pass, you drink when you are skipped (see making laws below), and you drink when anyone higher up in the "government" tells you to. Asshole drinks when he forgets to promptly sweep
-At the beginning of every new game, asshole gives the president his two best cards and receives the presidents' two worst in return. VP gets best from sh*thead and gives one back in return. Did I mention how much it sucks being asshole?
-If the president wins 3 times in a row s/he can make a new "law", these can include anything from playing topless, speaking in silly accents, to letting people play the same value cards on a previous player's and skip the person following them (which makes 'em drink, too), so rules can be tactical or just fun
-Oh yeah: asshole has to sweep the cards after each round of play (and if they dont they drink), deal the cards, starting with himself and going away from the president so if there are any extra odd cards they go into the hands of the lower classes. Sh*thead has to go get more beers from the fridge when you run out.