What's your GOTY?

After playing Mafia 2 (got it for christmas) i'm seriously considering making that my game of the year as 2011 dawns, but it just doesn't have that feeling that games of the year should have, I gotta' admit I really like the arcade style DLC's, they really spiced up my life.

But it's going to take alot to shoot down my Red Dead Redemption, i've got Liars and Cheats as well as Undead Nightmare, which both make the game just more exciting. I've also got the free dlc's (savvy Merchant and expert hunting, and the co-op pack), which just make it more fun, me and my mates could spend all night on Red Dead online with each other. (In fact we do)
1.Fallout: New Vegas

2.Alpha Protocol

3.Deadly Premonition - the game is quite dated, looks like a ps2 game to be honest but the story and the characters are amazing! Best Story/Characters of 2010 IMO.

Obsidian...you have won my heart this year. and access games, Deadly Premonition would have been 1000 times better if the map wasn't the most useless map in the history of gaming.

Honorable mentions:
-Castlevania: Lords Of Shadows
-Battlefield: BC 2(mp)
-Bioshock 2
[spoiler:b055510bdf] laugh all you want, but that certain part were you played as a little sister totaly blew me away![/spoiler:b055510bdf]
-Red Dead Redemption
OK, I finished up Divinity 2 DKS (PC). I now think it totally deserves the 2010 GOTY; the rebalancing done to the original game, the great new content, the incredible visuals and art design - all that made it by far the best game I've played released this year. It's got some issues (overly obscure hidden rooms, not a fan of the new loot system etc.) so it's not perfect, but I don't think there was a PC game in 2010, and an RPG game in at least 5 years that could compare.
I cant talk about the expansion but Divinity 2 was so boring in my eyes ... how anyone could love that I dont understand it. The "playing a dragon" thing is neat ... but not really fleshed out enough in my eyes (invisible walls and such get old fast).

It also has not that much value as RPG either in my eyes.
My GOTY of 2010 is Fallout: New Vegas. Right after it comes Alpha Protocol. Didn't played any other game as often as these games in the last few years.
Crni Vuk said:
I cant talk about the expansion but Divinity 2 was so boring in my eyes ... how anyone could love that I dont understand it. The "playing a dragon" thing is neat ... but not really fleshed out enough in my eyes (invisible walls and such get old fast).

It also has not that much value as RPG either in my eyes.

I don't know, I find it very enjoyable. And still a tad old-school. Divinity is surely a bit campy and doesn't always take itself seriously, but it's obviously made with love, and I'd prefer my games to be from people who love the genre not hate it. Those people still remember what it means to have fun while playing games.

Overall, I like it for what I hate most roguelikes and Oblivion-style games: it's still a light aRPG encouraging exploration, but it does not overly emphasize loot and min/maxing, and the explored dungeons are there more for the story (and humor) than anything else. The writing's great; almost every dialogue and interaction is unforgettable. The music deserves a special mention if only for being different from the tired "epic fantasy score" of most modern games. A special award should go to the game for looking beautiful on GAMEBRYO. I usually don't pay much attention to graphics, but that's quite an achievement. Finally, it has one of my favourite character development systems. The expansion, IMO, is most notable for its puzzles, and for providing the "Big City" experience that the original Divinity 2 so sorely lacked.

Of course, I'm also talking comparatively to other recent RPG games, and they weren't so great for me. The latest one I've enjoyed this thoroughly was Vampire: Bloodlines, or perhaps NWN2: MoTB. And there definitely wasn'ta game I enjoyed more this year. FO:NV is a close second, but it was even more clunky and unfinished (plus I'm not big on shooter-hybrids). I'm also a fan of the series since I (belatedly) played the first Divinity this summer, so it's pretty useless to argue with me :P
Hmmmmm I played a lot of games this year, more so than most years of my gaming life but if i had to choose a game I have to pick Red Dead redemption. It won me over for the interesting characters and fun missions.
i didnt even know that the red dead redemption is coming this year :clap:

so for me it will be:
1. RDD
2. Might & magic: heroes 6
3. DeusX 3
4. Diablo 3
Probably FNV because I didn't play any other 2010 game other than minecraft (which is way too much like crack to be a good thing)
Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Hands down for me the best horror game I've played thus far

I'll probably buy a boxed version of it if they ever release one. Better yet, a GOTY edition :D
Are you people serious about FNV?? I haven't played it but I've been under the impression that it was very similar to F3... Did everyone who mentioned FNV also liked F3? I can't imagine that game being good in any sense of the word.
maximaz said:
Are you people serious about FNV?? I haven't played it but I've been under the impression that it was very similar to F3... Did everyone who mentioned FNV also liked F3? I can't imagine that game being good in any sense of the word.
New Vegas, to put it simply, is more like Fallout 2: First-Person than Oblivion w/ Guns.

I really disliked Fallout 3. New Vegas has enough redeeming factors (writing, quest design, c&c) to put it higher up there.
I just got my 2008-era PC (previous one was crappier than ones from 2003 :D ), so I only managed to finish New Vegas once (with NCR, yeah!). Shit is SO cash (still sucks compared to original Fallout games, but still it's the best Bethesda-signed game I played in a LONG time (previous one is Daggerfall), as it scores about 9/10 in my personal scale (whereas Fallout has 8,9*10^12, and F2 9,5*10^13, and F3 is long flushed down the toilet :D)).

Anyway, I don't get it why Minecraft is so popular. Sure, it is quite fun to build a house etc, but it gets boring and monotonous quickly (for how long can you harvest crops and chase pigs?). I must admit, that quasi-oldschool graphics style is cool, but writing a PC game in Java is super-hiper-uber-turbo-mega-FAIL idea.
I like to play Minecraft survival with friends. I find it pretty enjoyable that way, I really don't enjoy playing that game solo for some reason.