When do you go to bed and wake up

What the fuck is with these questions? You want to know our bed-times? Christ. :aiee:

nevertheless... I often wake up at around 1-3 am and fuck around for a couple hours then go to school... Then get home at about 4 slp immediately and repeat.
Why the fuck do you care? Do you not understand why it's odd for you to want to know the sleep schedules of random strangers on the internet? :roll:
Why the fuck do you care? Do you not understand why it's odd for you to want to know the sleep schedules of random strangers on the internet? :roll:
Why, don't you want to know the sleep schedules of random strangers on the internet?

I might start a breakfast thread soon.
I usually go to bed around 10-11 pm and get up at 5 am (on workout days) or 6 am.
Somehow I think this will turn political.

Anyway, I usually go to bed anywhere between 1-3, but don't really sleep until 4 or 5.
The last few nights have been pretty late for me (the other night I didn't go bed until 6).
And while I wake up anywhere between 8-10, I don't usually get up, showered and dressed until like 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

All that's gonna change with Uni starting however
A breakfast thread would be more reasonable.

If you don't eat eggs and bacon in the morning you are a democrat or a socialist. If you don't eat biscuits n' gravy at brunch you are a right winger conspiring against hash browns.
Are you guys night showerers or morning showerers?
A breakfast thread would be more reasonable.

If you don't eat eggs and bacon in the morning you are a democrat or a socialist. If you don't eat biscuits n' gravy at brunch you are a right winger conspiring against hash browns.
I'm a vegan and I'm better than you. Trump is a shill. Vote Hillary to make Earth great again.
Adolf Hitler was a vegan and tree huger. Therefore you are a Nazi.

How could you possibly want to throw non-vegans into gas chambers?
Adolf Hitler was a vegan and tree huger. Therefore you are a Nazi.
See that doesn't bother me. If Germany had won the war Hitler would be remembered as a God amongst men, not the monster/meme he is today. Churchill, Stalin and some French fucker would be the genocide memes and the death camps would be either praised or covered up.

"Evil" or "bad" are subjective, and the Nazi party did a lot of good before starting WW2. Not to force my beliefs, but anti-smoking campaigns and animal cruelty laws were good. Plus Hitler basically saved the German economy and sent it into a mini revolution. Of course he then murdered 6 million jews...
See that doesn't bother me. If Germany had won the war Hitler would be remembered as a God amongst men, not the monster/meme he is today. Churchill, Stalin and some French fucker would be the genocide memes and the death camps would be either praised or covered up.

"Evil" or "bad" are subjective, and the Nazi party did a lot of good before starting WW2. Not to force my beliefs, but anti-smoking campaigns and animal cruelty laws were good. Plus Hitler basically saved the German economy and sent it into a mini revolution. Of course he then murdered 6 million jews...
The Nazis were shitheads. Shut up and go back to sleep schedules.
Can confirm Sarcastic is a Eco-Nazi.

Burn all the forest now to protest his posting habits. Be cruel to animals to protest. Eat a hamburger while smoking a fat cigar to Eco-Nazism. This is what happens when you get less than five hours of sleep a day.