Where can I buy Fallout 1 or 2?

Because I still haven't played the fist Fallout game, I've been looking for a retail copy lately. I found out some German company (Avalon Interactive) released "Fallout Ultimate Collection" including Fo, Fo2 and FoT, in 2003. I can still order this game in my country for about 30 euros, which seems like an OK price.
I haven't seen online stores that let you download any of the classic Fallout games.
How to get a new CD for Fallout2

Well... I haven't played the game for years and I knew there was a lot of scratches on the CD... but it was worse than I thought... I can install a large installation but not humongous... some movies makes the computer crasch. in the manual it says that you can order a new cd but when I check interplays homepage it seems to be down. how do I get a new CD (stupid me who didn't backup the game)? Is it possible to obtain from their publisher in sweden? If so... anyone know what publisher it is?
I think your best chances at finding a new Fallout 2 cd would be eBay and the bargain bin at your local computergame store. There are budget versions around, here and there. I actually found a mint copy last year in a second hand shop for a lousy 5 euro.
Locking is not the same as stickying.
So now I'm stickying it.

Interplay was the worldwide publisher, by the way, so you should probably go buy it somewhere.
probably found a used copy. unfortunately it is the "PC best buy" version... would have liked the original CD... well well... It will be playable and thats whats important
Amazon is also a good source, especially for people that are impatient. When I decided that I wanted the manuals for my F1/F2 set I had to buy the box sets, and I found an original Fallout for about $20 there.

eBay has the whole "vagaries of the market" problem attached to it.
Any one know where to get a reasonable price copy of Fallout 1 + 2 (together of indivualy) as of 2006?

As i spent a couple hours today looking around localy where i live with no luck at all and i dont trust ebay fully lol
Hmmm... I was thinking abut bidding on one of the 'Radioactive' packs that contains: Fallout, Fallout 2, tactics, and the pen and paper RPG. But I noticed that it was from the UK, and I'm from the US. So I emailed the seller and he said there's even a sticker on it saying I couldn't play it (meaning it could only be played on British rigs).

Is there anyway around this? Or will I be forced to wait it out a little longer?

Here's a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/Fallout-Radioac...273406163QQcategoryZ11050QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
Neptune said:
Hmmm... I was thinking abut bidding on one of the 'Radioactive' packs that contains: Fallout, Fallout 2, tactics, and the pen and paper RPG. But I noticed that it was from the UK, and I'm from the US. So I emailed the seller and he said there's even a sticker on it saying I couldn't play it (meaning it could only be played on British rigs).
Sorry pal, but there's absolutely no difference between an American and a British PC. You can safely purchase it and play the game.
Sander said:
Neptune said:
Hmmm... I was thinking abut bidding on one of the 'Radioactive' packs that contains: Fallout, Fallout 2, tactics, and the pen and paper RPG. But I noticed that it was from the UK, and I'm from the US. So I emailed the seller and he said there's even a sticker on it saying I couldn't play it (meaning it could only be played on British rigs).
Sorry pal, but there's absolutely no difference between an American and a British PC. You can safely purchase it and play the game.

Indeed. You are right. I bow down to your awsomeness! Thanks bro. I can't help it if I'm computer retarded.... well.... maybe I could. But I'm to lazy.

thanks again bro!
I got a Fallout 1-2 in a combo pack at Target, but that was several years ago. You might wanna give 'em a try anyways.
I would like to know where to get both Fallout games (fallout & fallout 2) does anyone know where to get it easily?
Well, if you had bothered to at least fill in your Location field, we might have been able to help you :roll:
Im from Brazil,i've been playing fallout 2 for 4 years i think,but i never found fallout 1,i really wanna play it but nobody sells here,i was buying one from ebay but i dont trust it too much and the price became too high