Where can I find fire animation?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Gronichonha ,
I'm chearching for man in fire set...
I don't find it?
What letter is ?
Someone can tell me wich set is it please?
It makes me win some time.

Brother Soifran
There's an idex of the FRMs here:


I've got a more accurate lsit of the critter animations aroudn somewhere, I'll see if I can dig it up



#A = Base Character Animations (Unarmed)#
AA = Idle (Default FRM)
AB = Walk
AE = Climb Up
AK = Pick Up
AL = Use
AN = Dodge
AO = Hit from front
AP = Hit from behind
AQ = Punch
AR = Kick
AS = Throw
AT = Run

#B = Death Animations#
BA = Knockdown BACKWARDS
BB = Knockdown FORWARDS
*BC* = Fem Combat Armor fall
BD = Chunk death
BE = Crispyfall
BF = Ripped to pieces
BG = Chestburst
BH = Electricrisp
BI = Chopped
*BJ* = Burnout
BK = Electricrisp
BL = Explode
BM = Meltdown
*BN* = Flaming
BO = Bleed on back
BP = Bleed on chest

#C = Stand Up Animations#
CH = Stand Up (On chest)
CJ = Stand Up (On back)

D = Knife Animations
DA = Knife Idle
DB = Knife Walk
DC = Knife Equip
DD = Knife Unequip
DE = Knife Dodge
DF = Knife Thrust
DG = Knife Slash
DM = Knife Throw

E = Stick Animations
EA = Stick Idle
EB = Stick Walk
EC = Stick Equip
ED = Stick Unequip
EE = Stick Dodge
EF = Stick Thrust
EG = Stick Slash

F = Hammer Animations
FA = Hammer Idle
FB = Hammer Walk
FC = Hammer Equip
FD = Hammer Unequip
FE = Hammer Dodge
FF = Hammer Thrust
FG = Hammer Slash

G = Spear Animations
GA = Spear Idle
GB = Spear Walk
GC = Spear Equip
GD = Spear Unequip
GE = Spear Dodge
GF = Spear Thrust
GM = Spear Throw

H = Pistol Animations
HA = Pistol Idle
HB = Pistol Walk
HC = Pistol Equip
HD = Pistol Unequip
HE = Pistol Dodge
HH = Pistol Aim Gun
HI = Pistol Lower Gun
HJ = Pistol Single Shot
HK = Heavy Burst - supported by engine but not used in FO2
HL = Heavy Continous (Flame) - supported by engine but not used in FO2

I = SMG Animations
IA = Smg Idle
IB = Smg Walk
IC = Smg Equip
ID = Smg Unequip
IE = Smg Dodge
IH = Smg Aim Gun
II = Smg Lower Gun
IJ = Smg Single Shot
IK = Smg Burst
IL = Heavy Continous (Flame) - supported by engine but not used in FO2

J = Rifle Animations
JA = Rifle Idle
JB = Rifle Walk
JC = Rifle Equip
JD = Rifle Unequip
JE = Rifle Dodge
JH = Rifle Aim Gun
JI = Rifle Lower Gun
JJ = Rifle Single Shot
JK = Rifle Burst
JL = Heavy Continous (Flame) - supported by engine but not used in FO2

K = Heavy Weapon Animations
KA = Heavy Idle
KB = Heavy Walk
KC = Heavy Equip
KD = Heavy Unequip
KE = Heavy Dodge
KH = Heavy Aim Gun
KI = Heavy Lower Gun
KJ = Heavy Single Shot
KK = Heavy Burst
KL = Heavy Continous (Flame)

L = Minigun
LA = Minigun Idle
LB = Minigun Walk
LC = Minigun Equip
LD = Minigun Unequip
LE = Minigun Dodge
LH = Minigun Aim Gun
LI = Minigun Lower Gun
LJ = Heavy Single Shot - supported by engine but not used in FO2
LK = Minigun Burst
LL = Heavy Continous (Flame) - supported by engine but not used in FO2

M = Rocket Launcher Animations
MA = Rocket Idle
MB = Rocket Walk
MC = Rocket Equip
MD = Rocket Unequip
ME = Rocket Dodge
MH = Rocket Aim Gun
MI = Rocket Lower Gun
MJ = Rocket Single Shot
MK = Minigun Burst - supported by engine but not used in FO2
ML = Heavy Continous (Flame) - supported by engine but not used in FO2

NA = Target Aiming Grid

RA = LayStill on Back
RB = LayStill on Chest
RD = LayStill on Chest Mutilated right side
RF = LayStill on Chest Mutilated left side
RG = LayStill on Back Shot Chest
RI = LayStill on Back Chopped
RL = LayStill in Pieces
RM = LayStill Fleshpile
RO = LayStill on Back Bloodpool
RP = LayStill on Chest Bloodpool
Cool, and helpfull.
We try to make an animated fire campement.
So the first atpempt will to see if we can use burning animation.

Brother Soifran
Here's a more condensed list, based on animcomd.h . Several animations were never drawn, and some of the stairs animations exist, but are not used.
weapon animation sets:
A = unarmed     D = knife       E = club        F = hammer
G = spear       H = pistol      I = SMG         J = rifle
K = big gun     L = minigun     M = rocket launcher

// basic animations  0-19
#define ANIM_stand                    (0)   AA, [D-M]A
#define ANIM_walk                     (1)   AB, [D-M]B
#define ANIM_jump_begin               (2)   ?
#define ANIM_jump_end                 (3)   ?
#define ANIM_climb_ladder             (4)   AE
#define ANIM_falling                  (5)   ?
#define ANIM_up_stairs_right          (6)   AG
#define ANIM_up_stairs_left           (7)   AH
#define ANIM_down_stairs_right        (8)   AI
#define ANIM_down_stairs_left         (9)   AJ
#define ANIM_magic_hands_ground      (10)   AK
#define ANIM_magic_hands_middle      (11)   AL
#define ANIM_magic_hands_up          (12)   ?
#define ANIM_dodge_anim              (13)   AN
#define ANIM_hit_from_front          (14)   AO
#define ANIM_hit_from_back           (15)   AP
#define ANIM_throw_punch             (16)   AQ
#define ANIM_kick_leg                (17)   AR
#define ANIM_throw_anim              (18)   AS, DM, GM
#define ANIM_running                 (19)   AT
        ?                                   AU
// knockdown and death   20-35
#define ANIM_fall_back               (20)   BA
#define ANIM_fall_front              (21)   BB
#define ANIM_bad_landing             (22)   BC
#define ANIM_big_hole                (23)   BD
#define ANIM_charred_body            (24)   BE
#define ANIM_chunks_of_flesh         (25)   BF
#define ANIM_dancing_autofire        (26)   BG
#define ANIM_electrify               (27)   BH
#define ANIM_sliced_in_half          (28)   BI
#define ANIM_burned_to_nothing       (29)   BJ
#define ANIM_electrified_to_nothing  (30)   BK
#define ANIM_exploded_to_nothing     (31)   BL
#define ANIM_melted_to_nothing       (32)   BM
#define ANIM_fire_dance              (33)   BN
#define ANIM_fall_back_blood         (34)   BO
#define ANIM_fall_front_blood        (35)   BP
// change positions  36-37
#define ANIM_prone_to_standing       (36)   CH
#define ANIM_back_to_standing        (37)   CJ
// weapon 38-47
#define ANIM_take_out                (38)   [D-M]C
#define ANIM_put_away                (39)   [D-M]D
#define ANIM_parry_anim              (40)   [D-M]E
#define ANIM_thrust_anim             (41)   [D-G]F
#define ANIM_swing_anim              (42)   [D-F]G
#define ANIM_point                   (43)   [H-M]H
#define ANIM_unpoint                 (44)   [H-M]I
#define ANIM_fire_single             (45)   [H-M]J
#define ANIM_fire_burst              (46)   [H-M]K
#define ANIM_fire_continuous         (47)   [H-M]L
// single-frame death animations (the last frame of knockdown and death animations)   48-63
#define ANIM_fall_back_sf            (48)   RA
#define ANIM_fall_front_sf           (49)   RB
#define ANIM_bad_landing_sf          (50)   RC
#define ANIM_big_hole_sf             (51)   RD
#define ANIM_charred_body_sf         (52)   RE
#define ANIM_chunks_of_flesh_sf      (53)   RF
#define ANIM_dancing_autofire_sf     (54)   RG
#define ANIM_electrify_sf            (55)   RH
#define ANIM_sliced_in_half_sf       (56)   RI
#define ANIM_burned_to_nothing_sf    (57)   RJ
#define ANIM_electrified_to_nothing_sf  (58)   RK
#define ANIM_exploded_to_nothing_sf  (59)   RL
#define ANIM_melted_to_nothing_sf    (60)   RM
//#define ANIM_fire_dance_sf           (61)
#define ANIM_fall_back_blood_sf      (61)   RO
#define ANIM_fall_front_blood_sf     (62)   RP
// called shot interface picture    63
#define ANIM_called_shot_pic         (63)   NA
I meant jump_begin, jump_end, falling, and magic_hands_up, meant for features that never made it into the game.
Ok, I've corrected it.
Thanks Bill and CTRL F ;)
weapon animation sets/Set d'animations des armes:
A = unarmed/mains nues D = knife/couteau E = club/baton F = hammer/marteau
G = spear/lance H = pistol/pistolet I = SMG/mitrailette J = rifle/carabine
K = big gun/gros fusil L = minigun M = rocket launcher/lance roquette

// basic animations 0-19
#define ANIM_stand/en attente(0) AA, [D-M]ADEFGHIJ KLM

#define ANIM_walk/marche(1) AB, [D-M]B

#define ANIM_jump_begin (2) ?
#define ANIM_jump_end (3) ?
#define ANIM_climb_ladder/escalader une echelle(4) AE

#define ANIM_falling (5) ?
#define ANIM_up_stairs_right (6) AG
#define ANIM_up_stairs_left (7) AH
#define ANIM_down_stairs_right (8) AI
#define ANIM_down_stairs_left (9) AJ
#define ANIM_magic_hands_ground/ramasser quelquechose à terre(10) AK

#define ANIM_magic_hands_middle/manipuler quelquechose debout(11) AL
#define ANIM_magic_hands_up (12) ?
#define ANIM_dodge_anim/esquive main nue(13) AN

#define ANIM_hit_from_front/touché en partie haute(14) AO

#define ANIM_hit_from_back/touché de dos(15) AP

#define ANIM_throw_punch/Donne un coup de poing(16) AQ

#define ANIM_kick_leg/donne un coup de pied(17) AR

#define ANIM_throw_anim/jette quelquechose(mains nues ici)(18) AS, DM, GM

#define ANIM_running/en train de courrir(19) AT

? AU
// knockdown and death/chutes et morts 20-35
#define ANIM_fall_back/tombe sur le dos(20) BA

#define ANIM_fall_front/tombe sur le ventre(21) BB

#define ANIM_bad_landing (22) BC
#define ANIM_big_hole/gros trou dans le torse(23) BD

#define ANIM_charred_body (24) BE
#define ANIM_chunks_of_flesh/explose en morceaux de chairs(25) BF

#define ANIM_dancing_autofire/criblé de balles(26) BG

#define ANIM_electrify (27) BH
#define ANIM_sliced_in_half/découpé en deux(28) BI

#define ANIM_burned_to_nothing (29) BJ
#define ANIM_electrified_to_nothing (30) BK
#define ANIM_exploded_to_nothing/complètement explosé(31) BL

#define ANIM_melted_to_nothing/Liquéfié(32) BM

#define ANIM_fire_dance (33) BN
#define ANIM_fall_back_blood/Mort sur le dos dans une marre de sang(34) BO

#define ANIM_fall_front_blood/mort sur le ventre dans une marre de sang(35) BP

// change positions/changement de positions 36-37
#define ANIM_prone_to_standing/A plat ventre à debout(36) CH

#define ANIM_back_to_standing/sur le dos à debout(37) CJ
// weapon/arme 38-44
#define ANIM_take_out/Dégaine(38) [D-M]C:DEFGHIJKLM
#define ANIM_put_away/rengaine(39) [D-M]D:DEFGHIJKL M
#define ANIM_parry_anim/Parade(40) [D-M]E:DEFGHIJKLM
#define ANIM_thrust_anim/Coup d'estoc(41) [D-G]F:DEFG
#define ANIM_swing_anim/Coup en balayage(42) [D-F]G:DEF
#define ANIM_point/Pointer(43) [H-M]H:HIJKLM
#define ANIM_unpoint/Dépointer (44) [H-M]I:HIJKLM
// weapon/arme 45-47
#define ANIM_fire_single/tir simple(45) [H-I-J-K-M]J:HIJKM
L doesn't exist in single shot, normal it's a minigun ;)
#define ANIM_fire_burst/Tir en rafale(46) [I-L]K:IJKL
H and M Don't exist in burst mode, normal it's pistol and rocket launcher.
#define ANIM_fire_continuous/tir continue(47) [K]L:K
Only flamer, H-I-J-M don't exist
// single-frame death animations (the last frame of knockdown and death animations)/image unique d'animations de mort (represente la dernière image de la chute et des animations de mort) 48-63
#define ANIM_fall_back_sf/tombé sur le dos, image unique(48) RA

#define ANIM_fall_front_sf/gisant au sol sur le ventre,image unique(49) RB:
#define ANIM_bad_landing_sf/ (50) RC
#define ANIM_big_hole_sf/Gisant dans une marre de sang sur le dos, image unique mort par gros trou(51) RD:
#define ANIM_charred_body_sf (52) RE
#define ANIM_chunks_of_flesh_sf/Gisant dans une marre de sang sur le dos, image unique mort par explosion de chairs(53) RF:
#define ANIM_dancing_autofire_sf/Gisant dans une marre de sang sur le dos, image unique mort criblé de balles(54) RG:
#define ANIM_electrify_sf(55) RH
#define ANIM_sliced_in_half_sf/Gisant mort, image unique mort découpé en deux(56) RI:

#define ANIM_burned_to_nothing_sf (57) RJ
#define ANIM_electrified_to_nothing_sf (58) RK
#define ANIM_exploded_to_nothing_sf (59) RL
#define ANIM_melted_to_nothing_sf (60) RM
//#define ANIM_fire_dance_sf (61)
#define ANIM_fall_back_blood_sf (61) RO
#define ANIM_fall_front_blood_sf (62) RP
// called shot interface picture 63
#define ANIM_called_shot_pic (63) NA