Where did all my assets go?

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Have you ever found yourself wondering what happened to the design docs of the planned Brotherhood of Steel sequel Vagrant Lands? Well, probably not, but maybe you asked yourself questions like "What exactly does the deal between Bethesda and Interplay entail and what does it mean for sequels of Tactics and Brotherhood of Steel" or, for you modders out there, "Why the hell isn't the Fallout sourcecode public?" (the answer, by the way, is that it can't be made public)

For handy reference and to stop further confusion concerning these subject, we at NMA indexed the whereabouts of the Fallout and Fallout spin-offs licenses, documentation and assets like the source code and animation.

Link: Where are all the Fallout licenses and assets? on NMA
So, could anyone explain to me what will happen to the license if(I am sorry, I meant "when") Interplay goes bankrupt?
Lancelot said:
So, could anyone explain to me what will happen to the license if(I am sorry, I meant "when") Interplay goes bankrupt?

Nothing. The deal is not tied to the faith of Interplay or the ownership of the Fallout license. I'll edit that in for clarity.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Would Herve hold ownership of Fallout when Interplay is declared bankrupt? (I don't see it escape that fate)

No, if and when Interplay goes bankrupt all assets are auctioned off to pay debtors. When this happened to Titus (Interplay's erstwhile majority stock holder in France, where the Caen brothers are from), the Caens managed to funnel all their money to Interplay. I doubt that'll happen again.
About source codes and Miles sound system...IIRC Homeworld also used the Miles sound system, but still had it's source code released sans the Miles code.

Well it's obviously not something Interplay would do for us anyway, but just thought I'd mention.