Where do the Brotherhood's "procurement specialists" get the food from?

There are a lot of non-faction sources like westside and Goodsprings. They could also mix it up by having one specialist buying a large amount, but not have that same specialist buy from that source again for a while.
I'd say, FNV, while being Obsidian game, couldn't break completely free from Bethesda "economical model" - where soldiers, raiders, bandits vastly outnumber those members of the society that actually produce food. Apparently 1 farmer can feed like 3 legion soldiers, 3 NCR rangers, a couple of BoS members and several bandits (this is just typical for Bethesda game, most probably - due to limitations of the engine which would break trying to handle all NPCs otherwise). And all of this - without any mechanized help, just by manual labour. So if a farmer can do it - why "procurement specialists" couldn't?
It´s possible that bos procurement specialists work in teams and have brahims to carry the groceries. Veronica just works alone because she´s a weirdo by brotherhood standards.
I'd say, FNV, while being Obsidian game, couldn't break completely free from Bethesda "economical model" - where soldiers, raiders, bandits vastly outnumber those members of the society that actually produce food. Apparently 1 farmer can feed like 3 legion soldiers, 3 NCR rangers, a couple of BoS members and several bandits (this is just typical for Bethesda game, most probably - due to limitations of the engine which would break trying to handle all NPCs otherwise). And all of this - without any mechanized help, just by manual labour. So if a farmer can do it - why "procurement specialists" couldn't?
Keep in mind that most food comes west from California, with lots of mentions of being based on brahmin herding and farming (many a NCR soldier has left due to boredom) so it's entirely possible they charter caravans to send food to 'Bunyingup' only to end up in Hidden Valley.
Hidden Valley's nestled in between a major raiding location, a super mutant hideout, a ghoul infested building and, a deathclaw nest (and Hidden Valley itself is a scorpion breeding ground); if there was ever a place where curious wastelanders wouldn't venture, it would be Hidden Valley.
...there are already reports in the radio when people only see something moving in the dust storms at night; if there were small caravans going in- and out of HV all the time, some curious folks would probably start to investigate. The Mojave is relatively crowded, they would most likely be noticed at some point. Still, there's no way they gather food without any means of transportation, a single person just can't carry that much.

That´s why i said there would be other procurement specialists besides Veronica. She wouldn´t be able to doit all in her own and she does refers has a procurement specialist, meaning more than one. and the Mojave isn´t crowded. The area is just small compared with the real desert because of the gamebyro engine.
Guys, has no one ever heard of chartering traders to a fictional place in the effort to get them somewhere?
No? Sounds too out of this world?
It's quite possible that the getherers don't need to collect that much. Water may come from a well of some sort combined with recycling, and vegetables can be grown in greenhouses (fed by grey water) That would only require them to hunt and buy brahmin to sustain healthy diets. Hunting the various wasteland animals would relatively easy considering the weapons available to them, and brahmin could either be stolen (which probably happens quite often anyway) or bought. They could kill most of the Brahmin, and then use the remaining ones to transport them to hiddwn valley. Then, at night, they could get a few palidains, with their PA, to easily carry the meat in.
Hunting wouldn´t be very useful. The mojave does have an ecosystem but it´s still a desert. Wildlife isn´t exactly covering the region and stealing brahmin wouldn´t be a good idea either. Farmers would notice their cattle veing stolen by people in power armor and armed with lazer rifles.
Who says they need PA? And laser rifles are not that uncommon or expensive. If you were talking about gattling lasers, then maybe, but laser and plasma rifles would not arouse suspicion, it would probabebly be assumed they were fiends. They would have higher quality ones, but that's not suspicious in itself. Not only that, I was more thinking about them using stealth.

As far as hunting, it seems to be useful enough that the wastelanders do it (gecko and squirrel meat is commonly sold), and that still leaves buying Brahmin.
Laser rifles are number wise, rarer than basic firearms and would more difficull to maintain. Hidden valley is nowhere close to fiend territory and geckos and squirrels meat wouldn´t be enough to feed them all.
No... chartered caravans to nowhere?

Come on guys, that makes way more sense then hunting and stealing. Stealing calls in NCR soldiers, especially in the case of a clear enemy, who they know are dangerous and require elimination. Hunting...
It's also best to remember that Hidden Valley was going to be a fallout shelter for the rich and, powerful, that place probably has a lot of stored food.
No... chartered caravans to nowhere?

Come on guys, that makes way more sense then hunting and stealing. Stealing calls in NCR soldiers, especially in the case of a clear enemy, who they know are dangerous and require elimination. Hunting...

I did theorized that there could be other procurement specialists with brahim caravans buying supplies. It would be less suspicious that caravans dissapearing in the middle of nowhere.
I did theorized that there could be other procurement specialists with brahim caravans buying supplies. It would be less suspicious that caravans dissapearing in the middle of nowhere.
Keep in mind that these caravans could be routed to stop several kilometres away from their target, which allows procurement specialists to take the food to Hidden Valley with no one the wiser.
Keep in mind that these caravans could be routed to stop several kilometres away from their target, which allows procurement specialists to take the food to Hidden Valley with no one the wiser.

They would be taking food for more than a hundred people. Having something to carry all that, like a brahmin, would make it much easier.
The BoS aren't too far away from the Khans, they could do a lot of trade with them, as well as regional factions that have no allegiances such as Goodsprings and Primm.
Laser rifles are number wise, rarer than basic firearms and would more difficull to maintain. Hidden valley is nowhere close to fiend territory and geckos and squirrels meat wouldn´t be enough to feed them all.
Of course not all of them, that's why I mentioned buying Brahmin and growing vegetables as well. And they dont have to stay close tge hidden valley, I think that's rather the point.

As far as rarity, feinds use plasma weaponry, which it even rarer, so I still don't think that's a consern.
One terminal in the Bunker says:
The goal of the Hidden Valley project is to create a self-sustaining shelter for high-ranking VIPs that can serve as a command structure in times of crisis.

So if it is a self-sustaining shelter it means it has to have some means of producing some food, I have no idea where or what is could be but we can't have a self-sustaining shelter without food and water production/permanent access.

Maybe there are underground hydroponic farms/greenhouses or animal raising pens we never have access (not really made in the game) that allows to provide food and water for the BoS, maybe they have giant refrigerated storages that allows to keep food fresh for long periods of time, maybe they have vast storerooms with plenty of pre-war packed food or MREs (like the ones from Lonesome Road DLC) since it is a USAF bunker for VIP personnel.

These are just some ideas, while those things are not represented in the game, there would be nothing stopping the military before the war from making those things to make the bunker complex self-sustainable.