Where do the Brotherhood's "procurement specialists" get the food from?

There are definitely doors that you can't acsess in the bunker.
And that's basically what I was saying, the only things to collect is meat, for taste and more protein, iron, ect. I'll poke around and see If I can find what sort of food they have exactly.
They would be taking food for more than a hundred people. Having something to carry all that, like a brahmin, would make it much easier.
Keep in mind they can buy brahmin and masquerade as another caravan taking the second half of the journey.
Keep in mind they can buy brahmin and masquerade as another caravan taking the second half of the journey.

Seems like a second caravan would be unnecessary. One incognito caravan would be enough. No one would bat an eyeslash to a extra caravan travelling in the mojave.
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Seems like a second caravan would be unnecessary. One incognito caravan would be enough. No one would bat an eyeslash to a extra caravan travelling in the mojave.
If they use one caravan it would have to go all the way directly to hidden valleys, unless the BOS would be willing to have a lot of people carrying food and shit.
If they use one caravan it would have to go all the way directly to hidden valleys, unless the BOS would be willing to have a lot of people carrying food and shit.

Exactly. And they have their lockdown protocol, so, only a selected few are allowed to leave the bunker. The solution is a brahmin to carry the groceries.
It's also entirely possible, if a little head-canonish, that the Brotherhood had enough food/rations to survive and just wanted Veronica to stop annoying them. What with her questioning of authority and all.
While your "meeting traders somewhere out in the wilderness-theory" would indeed make things a little less suspicious or difficult there still is the elephant in the room, namely what the brotherhood is actually trading in exchange for supplies. They don't have any actual income, and they wouldn't trade their shiny toys - not that anyone in the wasteland still cared for those anyway.
They could exchange services, Veronica is herself a skilled repairwoman so she could use that skill for caps, I'm sure other Brotherhood members could act as caravan guards or something in the like in order to earn some caps, they just enough for the Brotherhood to continue ekking out its existence.
Veronica clearly states that there are several people like her, also its not even indicated that there are any parts of the HV bunker we don't get to see ingame. I think the size and population of the bunker we see in-game is pretty close to what's supposed to be there according to the lore, unlike most cities and other factions in the game.
I think you've dismissed this too quickly, if there's a terminal stating that the bunker is self sufficient then it should be treated as such. Veronica and co. could be used in order to procure specialist items, sort of like when you're sent out to receive stuff from the Vaults.
Veronica clearly states that there are several people like her, also its not even indicated that there are any parts of the HV bunker we don't get to see ingame. I think the size and population of the bunker we see in-game is pretty close to what's supposed to be there according to the lore, unlike most cities and other factions in the game.
Well they have the equipment to recharge depleted energy ammo (initiates recharge their energy ammo while senior staff make fun of them using that ammo) but I can't remember anywhere in the parts we can access of the bunker anything that can be used to do that (no workbenches or other recharging equipment in all of the bunker we can access).
They could exchange services, Veronica is herself a skilled repairwoman so she could use that skill for caps, I'm sure other Brotherhood members could act as caravan guards or something in the like in order to earn some caps, they just enough for the Brotherhood to continue ekking out its existence.

I think you've dismissed this too quickly, if there's a terminal stating that the bunker is self sufficient then it should be treated as such. Veronica and co. could be used in order to procure specialist items, sort of like when you're sent out to receive stuff from the Vaults.

I could see them exchanging services for food. I kind of assumed they'd trade knowledge for food and whatever else they may need. They'd don't have anything else they're willing to part with, trading knowledge is always something. Also, knowledge is worth more than labor. Accountants make more than people digging ditches, it would make sense that a chemist or repairwoman would make enough caps to buy what the BoS couldn't make on their own. But if Hidden Valley is self sufficient, wouldn't most bunkers be? And why wasn't there people there or in the game world that have knowledge of Hidden Valley? I don't know about you guys, but if I had a self sustaining bunker and nukes went off, I wouldn't leave. That there is Bethesda-esque bad writing and I know saying that about Obsidian is Heresy.
I assume that since the Hidden Valley Bunkers were made to be used by VIPs and were in the middle of the desert, what happened was that the VIPs never managed to have time to reach the bunkers.
It is stated in Fallout lore that the bombs start falling fast and without warning, which made most people not even have time to leave their cities :confused:. This is of course just assumptions :P.

Now I will post the terminal entries about the Hidden Valley that exist ingame, just because my post was short and not really relevant, and this seems a good place to put those entries anyway :lmao:.
Project Goals: Hidden Valley
The goal of the Hidden Valley project is to create a self-sustaining shelter for high-ranking VIPs that can serve as a command structure in times of crisis. The bunker itself is located several hundred feet below the surface. Multiple layers of reinforced materials serve to prevent a breach of the inhabitable areas by anything save for a direct hit by a bunker-busting weapon utilizing a megatonnage considered outside the capability of America's closest competitors. In the event that our enemies become capable of such an attack, the bunker's DERVISH camouflage system makes targeting the site impossible for automated systems, forcing aggressors to rely on guesswork and sheer luck.
Systems Overview
The Hidden Valley Bunker relies on two main systems:

The CANDLE fusion power system provides power to all bunker systems. Built more for reliability and duration of service, the power output of the system has been exceeded by many current designs, but it can supply the bunker with power for an estimated 752 years.

The DERVISH camouflage system provides visual and electronic interference to prevent airborne or long-range enemy weapons from targeting the bunker. The normal soil around Hidden Valley has been supplemented with a combination of aluminum and various silicates, which are then dispersed using a widespread network of industrial fans to blanket the area in a cloud of what is essentially chaff. Combined with the electronic countermeasures of the nearby array at Black Mountain, the bunker at Hidden Valley is effectively impossible to target.