Where have the massive amount of fallout fans/hype come from


"Fallout 4 adds to the lore"
No, I mean not how people already in the series got a hold of the Fallout titles. How did Fallout 4 garner a huge massive falling that it never had beforehand. Reaching about 16 million views on Bethesda's youtube channel. It's very confusing to see where these people came from. They just learned about the fourth game in the installment and somehow they get really hyped without even knowing the lore to begin with. Where was this when New Vegas came out? Or Fallout 3 for the matter. Seems to me this could just be hyperbole and a bandwagon. Maybe a bunch of Bethesda fans just decided they wanted to play their other games. Or, Or the more likely reason is that this was the crowd from Skyrim, Massive Bethesda fanboys who just are corporate slaves unpaid PR interns that just hype their games up. Could also be another section from the ESO. Which is another bethesda game, Though Zenimax worked on it. (Though Really an subsidiary of the company.)

This might sound just like an out of the blue rant. But honestly, This is perhaps the biggest amount of fallout hype i've seen this year. Sad thing is, I bet most of these people don't even give a shit about New Vegas, Even fallout 3, Story, Choices and Consequence. It's the cool thing to like it and this is what you have. When will people stop hive mind thinking and actually for once critically evaluate their selected titles? I do that with my favorite game, Almost anything i write and my stances on other issues. I just don't get it.
I think a lot of people just have really fond memories of Fallout 3, then enjoyed Skyrim a bunch, and thus concluded that Fallout 4 would be amazing.

The bulk of the audience for AAA games expects sequels on a quicker turnaround than "once every 5 years" so people have been expecting a new Fallout for a while, and having to wait just made people thirstier for it.
I think a lot of people just have really fond memories of Fallout 3, then enjoyed Skyrim a bunch, and thus concluded that Fallout 4 would be amazing.

The bulk of the audience for AAA games expects sequels on a quicker turnaround than "once every 5 years" so people have been expecting a new Fallout for a while, and having to wait just made people thirstier for it.

Which you'd be right. But it's still A LOT of people hyped for a game sooo forgettable. You know, If fallout 4 wins game of the year. I think i'll loose whatever hope i had for the gaming community. (Assuming it will be terrible, Which lets be honest. It will be.)
Which you'd be right. But it's still A LOT of people hyped for a game sooo forgettable. You know, If fallout 4 wins game of the year. I think i'll loose whatever hope i had for the gaming community. (Assuming it will be terrible, Which lets be honest. It will be.)

I don't know if there really is such a thing as "the gaming community" and I think we're better of for it. Take music, for example. There are obviously a lot of people who are "fans of music" but they don't meaningfully form a community since "fans of death metal" and "fans of twee" really have very little they want to say to each other, and that someone likes art rap doesn't imply that they should also like alt country. This is sort of a natural evolution of a medium, as it will eventually grow large enough to host a bunch of distinct subcommunties affiliated with genres or aesthetics instead of simply a large community.

I do not doubt that Fallout 4 will win its share of GotY awards, but that's not going to bother me since that will simply be evidence that it is a game that other people liked, which is fine. I hope everybody who buys Fallout 4 enjoys it. But there's no reason to worry that other people's opinions differ from my own. Bethesda games sell really well, so a bunch of people must enjoy them.
Bethesda seems very effective at marketing mild, yet boring crap. Then again, considering that the goal of electronic entertainment in this day and age, is simply about sales.

Now evidently, the industry has always been about making a profit too, but at least back in the 70's and 80's and even to a lesser extent the 90's, there did seem to exist a fair degree of latitude for developers to try new and unique ideas.
Bethesda relies on hype, and from what I know the stellar reviews of Skyrim helped set the scene. Skyrim was arguably Bethesda's BIG game that put it on the map.
Bethesda seems very effective at marketing mild, yet boring crap. Then again, considering that the goal of electronic entertainment in this day and age, is simply about sales.

Not only about sales, but about release sales.
Investors only care about short term profit. It doesn't matter if the game keeps selling well for decades.
Short term profit only comes from marketting, not from review or word of mouth.
If fallout 4 wins game of the year. I think i'll loose whatever hope i had for the gaming community. (Assuming it will be terrible, Which lets be honest. It will be.)
I lost faith in the gaming community a long time ago. It no longer surprises why gamers are still getting ridicule by social media.
If fallout 4 wins game of the year. I think i'll loose whatever hope i had for the gaming community. (Assuming it will be terrible, Which lets be honest. It will be.)
I lost faith in the gaming community a long time ago. It no longer surprises why gamers are still getting ridicule by social media.

The worst thing is that each Bethesda game (apart from Oblivion) could have been fantastic if they worked on it more and harder. However shitty design choices, bad writers and no understanding of RPGs ruined their games for me.
A lot of people are excited, because a lot of other people are excited, because they were excited in the past.
It's the same question as "how the eff does Battlefield" sell so many copies each year.

I think for every person who's "a real gamer" and who seeks out quality titles like Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin, SOMA etc there are 10 other persons who just walk down to gamestop and buys whatever happens to be "the big thing".
People fucking loved Skyrim (I know I did), and now they announce Fallout 4 which is basically Skyrim with Guns? Plus Minecraft-like building? Hell yeah people are gonna be excited about it!
Bethesda has one of the best marketing departments in the business right now. They're a company that made a name for themselves from making open world RPGs... and they aren't even that good at it.
No, I mean not how people already in the series got a hold of the Fallout titles. How did Fallout 4 garner a huge massive falling that it never had beforehand. Reaching about 16 million views on Bethesda's youtube channel. It's very confusing to see where these people came from. They just learned about the fourth game in the installment and somehow they get really hyped without even knowing the lore to begin with. Where was this when New Vegas came out? Or Fallout 3 for the matter. Seems to me this could just be hyperbole and a bandwagon. Maybe a bunch of Bethesda fans just decided they wanted to play their other games. Or, Or the more likely reason is that this was the crowd from Skyrim, Massive Bethesda fanboys who just are corporate slaves unpaid PR interns that just hype their games up. Could also be another section from the ESO. Which is another bethesda game, Though Zenimax worked on it. (Though Really an subsidiary of the company.)

This might sound just like an out of the blue rant. But honestly, This is perhaps the biggest amount of fallout hype i've seen this year. Sad thing is, I bet most of these people don't even give a shit about New Vegas, Even fallout 3, Story, Choices and Consequence. It's the cool thing to like it and this is what you have. When will people stop hive mind thinking and actually for once critically evaluate their selected titles? I do that with my favorite game, Almost anything i write and my stances on other issues. I just don't get it.

I've seen EXACTLY what you've stated here in the beginning and can only determine that the huge FO4 movement is from a combination of Skyrim/Beth fanboys and "i don't have anything else to do" youtube babbies. The true fans of the fallout series are more concerned with what Beth is doing with the series and aren't so glossy-eyed excited anymore.
The idea that there are "true" fallout fans is completely laughable and a bit sad
Well there si a marked difference between Fallout fans and just Bethesda fans, the later call themselves Fallout fans without even playing the originals.
There are even people excited for Fo4 that haven't even played New vegas or 3 either. I guess bethesda's bastardization of the series to add in trendy gimmicks like base buildign and companion romances is paying off.
There is also that weird wave of people who seem convinced that a female protagonist is a new thing for the series.