It Wandered In From the Wastes

Excellent points. I was somewhat hotheaded when I wrote that post so I apologize for some vague wording.Alright, I'm gonna try and play devil's advocate here for the sake of "making lore make sense," but you bring up some valid points that I'd like to see the games have addressed.
I'll being sort of addressing this as I go, but I think its important to notice you are seeing this from the framing of our modern highly developed and resource-heavy world.
It seems to me that getting your offroad adapted jeep through there is a good bit more practical than getting a truck loaded down with supplies/troops, much less a whole convoy of them.
I think they do to a certain extent. I mean they originally seem to have taken 15 out. But it wasn't optimal so they opened up through The Divide. and then that closed down they went back full bore on 15 until that hit a snag and now they use 40 into 95.
To be fair, most of the "good" routes would already have been discovered and utilized in the old world and thus are almost certain to have prebuilt roads. From there it logically follows that there is a good chance that any sort of event that blocks these roads will also block (or at least be a costly impediment) other routes through these "passes." And, they do construct new transportation infrastructure. We know for certain they are (or were, till a prison break) expanding the rail lines into the Mojave in order to help their supply issues. Blasting news lines out of the rock and laying track is no small deed.
I'm not sure I can agree with this. Certainly we saw in the earlier games that pack animal caravans can sustain settlements (sometimes not very well, but just enough) and we can maybe even say a loose confederation of cities might work if the paths got worn-in enough (back to that whole thing about them not blazing trails). However, sustaining a nation is going to take more. Especially for one more organized how the NCR is (quasi liberal democracy) as opposed to a military autocracy like Caesar's boys.
What's the source on the mechanized division? Not that I'm doubting it as it seems entirely plausible. I just don't recall it ever being confirmed.
Like I mentioned before, they kind of already are with the railways.
Is this supposed to be referencing if you nuke the NCR at the end of Lonesome Road? If so, I reckon the issue is not the hole but the hostility of the environment around the hole.
I'm not entirely sure what you are suggesting here. Is it they they can just go around Pahrump/The Divide by taking 127 all the way up to 95 and follow it around the north side into Vegas?
I'm sure part of it is so that the PC can show up and be a "big damn hero" and feel highly effective and part of it as well being the massive corruption we always hear about.
Finally, an important thing I want to point out is that a lot of what we see in New Vegas is an overreach by the NCR and we get told this repeatedly but I also often see people glossing over this (or maybe just forgetting). That doesn't just mean militarily. The Mojave Outpost is already a small outpost at the edge of their control, but they don't stop there. Instead they try and run a massive supply chain and war effort all the way on the other side of the state at the border of a very hostile nation throughout a region that is at best averse to them and at worst some of their historical bitter enemies (Khans). They seriously have over reached and have only held out due more to luck than to planning or skill. I think this is why the endeavor collapses so spectacularly if the Courier does anything other than fully support them; they weren't gonna hack it in the Mojave (for now) any other way. In contrast to this we hear about industrious and prosperous NCR proper is becoming (taken as an entity, obviously plenty of people on the lower rungs are missing out on that), so much so that they are concerned their population growth is outstripping their ability to supply food.
Now, just to loop back to the start: Some of the NCR's choices, or lack there of, are pretty boneheaded and hard to defend.
Yes, I concede that building a good route takes time, I just found it profoundly dumb that NCR takes sooooo much damn time in executing critical decisions and plans.
The Courier just trapped a huge amount of NCR citizens and forces in the Mojave by dropping a Divide nuke. Nukes in Fallout have been confirmed to be low yield and very dirty. Therefore it stands to reason that a few miles away from such a solitary blast is enough to be relatively safe by Fallout standards.
Back to the point: You would think that NCR would expend a little HASTE and RESOURCES into reconstructing a road into the Mojave due to the large investment trapped there. All I see is some caravans and soldiers at Mojave Outpost lounging around doing nothing when they should be digging for their [redacted] lives before Caeser sells their dead corpses for pig food.
I kinda wanted to see an animation of a platoon of soldiers digging frantically to find a way out hopelessly while General Oliver is ramming his head on his desk in fury. That alone would make a Legion playthrough satisfying.
Also, the MOTORISED (not mechanized) division canonically exists. Chris Allevone the big cheese himself wrote such somewhere in the Fallout Bible. I dont know exactly where he said it though.