where to put this?! [FO3 game challenge blog]

cratchety ol joe

Mildly Dipped
Ok folks, not really sure which forum this should be in so its HERE! 8-)

I'm doing a self-challenge in fallout 3 right now, and just as point of interest I'm going to be blogging how things turn out... just thought you guys might want to read up once in a while. (only juts started)


so pop on over any time, would love to hear if you guys have already tried similar things and also would be great to hear back from you.

So.. Onward and Upward! or some such motivational crap... Steel be with you
quite frankly speech really isn't that essential, and by the time I actually need to make use of speech checks It should be high enough.

And yes, I realised now that once I reach power armour, my heightened STR isn't going to count for squat.

Ahh well, I'll keep on going with what I got.

I plan to rape the Intense Training perk once I have a stable character. Already I'm getting apprehensive of getting to GNR. New post soon (also pictures to come, for what they're worth.
cratchety ol joe said:
quite frankly speech really isn't that essential, and by the time I actually need to make use of speech checks It should be high enough.
I find that pretty interesting when you say that about a RPG. I mean trying to go trough a game without combat. Alright. But without spech ? Tells how important that part is in Fallout 3. But I am just nitpicking I guess :D
LOL, I hadn't even thought about what I'd said there, but now you point it out yeah.. to say that 'speech' isn't too important in a game that claims to be RPG/GOTY etc... well I can see why I wasn't picked to publish a review of the game.

Sad truth is, I'm hard puched to think of ANY moment in FO3 which a high speech or CHA is of any real benefit.

Besides, this isn't a 'no-combat' challenge, merely a no-weapons... :D
I'f i'm honest I'd probably be a lot more advanced on the main plot if i hadn't fart arsed around with Moira's crap, but I'm trying not to metagame too much.

Anyway, hope you enjoy reading all my nonsense, more to come.. heck stay tuned if only to find out how I cope with the SM-behemoth's :question:
just a quick reminder to folks about this blog, I'm soon to finish my challenge :clap: and to those that have interest I'll be adding the final blog posts soon.
You have a point about the CHA and speech skills. It's mostly for gaining bonuses for doing quests I guess. High speech gives you a bunch of extra caps, that's about it.

If you really want a challenge, do no-weapons with Fallout3 Wanderers Edition installed. Nothing like running into a raider with a shotgun who somehow DOESN'T need to reload every shot. Ugh.
I think he doesn't want a challenge, he just wants to prove what an unbalanced mess F3 is by being able to punch everyone to death without having to do a really specific build, just by boosting normal stats.

For example, in the older games, a successful unarmed build could be greatly benefited from a Jinxed combo plus many other AC perks(Unarmed gives bonus to AC) and other stuff as well.
yeah, some of the damage from things took my by surprise, I then upped my intake of Med-X to counter and the situation resolved. I thought I'd mention the deaths as I think It helped highlight what was going on.

WTF is that ? :shock: