Fat bottom girls they make the rockin world go round.
(1) Catherine the Great- any chick that dies from horse has got to be wild.
(2) Guinevere- just to find out what got Lancelot so horny
(3) Monica Bellucci
(4) Mata Hari- dangerous spy chick- cool. Or maybe Xenia Onnatop- so what if she's fictional, no one is perfect.
(5) Joan of Arc- I wonder if she would to God during sex- "Oh God Oh God, I'm Coming, I'm Coming!"
Helen of Troy- She was the most beautiful woman but that guy Paris was a pussy. But remember, just because she's beautiful didn't mean she was good in the sack.
Penelope- because lets face it Ulysees/Odessius traveled a damn long time to get back to that action, he did leave Calypso for her.
Mary Mother of God- Hey if God wants that action....
Romeo's Juliet- But remember she was only 14.
By the way, this is not a guys' only thread. Girls feel free to comment.