Which Character in 'Watchmen' Are You?


Look, Ma! Two Heads!
Don't know how many of you read the series/ graphic novel (I know Roleplayer has), but I found an interesting test.


Me = Rorschach :twisted:

Side note, my avatar is a bogus poster of a movie adaptation, but I guess they might actually be making one. Did anyone hear anything about whether the movie is still on? I just found some stuff on the net, and I'm not very confident in the people involved (David Hayter), but I read good things about the script (as in it stayed faithful, unlike the terrible Sam Hamm version).
Watchmen might be *the* comic evah!
Oh, and I'm apparently one of the chicks.

Silk Spectre 2, even though she is cool...

I don't wanna be a girl! :cry:

Haven't heard any on the movie, would be cool if it was made though.
Dr. Manhattan. I was hoping/dreading I'd get Rorshach, but Dr. Manhattan is ok with me - I don't share his aversion to clothing though.

Not much of a surprise...

David Hayter wrote the screenplay to both X-men movies, so he's not completely worthless IMO. Besides he does the voice of Solid Snake in the Metal Gear games.


Smart and sensitive but still packing a punch, you'd do well in law enforcement. Your sincerely chivalric approach to life and your fetish for uniforms are the stuff from which heroes are made.
Kharn said:


Smart and sensitive but still packing a punch, you'd do well in law enforcement. Your sincerely chivalric approach to life and your fetish for uniforms are the stuff from which heroes are made.

Yeah what he said.


You are quite simply a genius. You're so smart, in fact, that you don't even have to think that much. You are also vain. You are enigmatic--are you evil or are you good? Even you can't answer that one.

Such complex issues.

You truly could be anything you want to be, but you may find a career in law enforcement much too confining--so much so that law enforcement probably isn't even interested in you.


Adrian Veidt (b. 1939), part of the second generation of American vigilantes, is Ozymandias, the "Smartest Man in the World," a self-made tycoon, and a supreme master of martial, acrobatic, and metaphysical arts.

I like it! :D
Wow. I don't even remember taking this stupid test. I used to be Ozymomofuckingmantis, now I appear to be:


Detached and possibly violent, your resolute adherence to your own sense of morality and your tendency toward multiple personalities is just plain frightening or, at least, weird to others. Law enforcement is entirely out of the question--you can't take orders, and you can't follow anybody else's rules but your own.

Quite simply, you are what you make of yourself. Occupational advice here is pointless. Have fun!

Goes to show those tests don't mean shit.