Which do you like better?: Action adventure games or RPGs?


Carolinian Shaolin Monk
Say something like Baldur's Gate as RPG and GTA 5 for action adventure. Also which do you think at least limits your power in a way that you aren't OP by the middle or the end of the game, and which do you think has more realistic game mechanics in a sense? So anyway thoughts?
I prefer RPGs because of how you can "be anyone", you can roleplay as yourself (well, a HEROIC version of yourself), or form any other interesting character that you want. I am also a sucker for looting, trading, and making the most of encounters and locations, trading and progressing, not just my own levels but also my gear. The growth-process interest me, and also the bigger scope, as RPGs tend to stretch across entire countries or continents, and span across at least a year in-game - or even more. I like the "epicness" of that

Action adventures like GTA are also fun, but to me they come second. Doesn't mean I dislike them, since their strong points are action and combat. Also, by not having to design 10 different spoons, 15 different dinner-plates, slippers and gloves for you to pick up and trade, they can put much more detail into static surroundings. Compare side by side, a game like GTA has a stunning level of detail and variation in something as simple as interior designs, architecture etc, while an RPG is much more forced to just copy-paste buildings and interiors, because they have to allow you to open every door, enter every room, and steal all the cutlery and napkins.
I prefer RPGs because they generally have better stories and characters. In a video game the protagonist as presented in the text is generally the least interesting person in the world, and RPGs are more readily about things other than the main character and his or her struggles. The one place I tend to prefer an action-adventure approach is in stealth games, as the sort of progression that's the hallmark of RPGs renders stealth sequences less about observation, planning, and timing and more about having the right upgrades.
I just like good games. I play everything from Point and Clicks to Turn Based RPGS (easter and western) to, shooters, fighting games and Spectacle Fighters.

The only genres I don't have much interest in is the Sport games, Mobas and Simulators.
I just like good games. I play everything from Point and Clicks to Turn Based RPGS (easter and western) to, shooters, fighting games and Spectacle Fighters.

The only genres I don't have much interest in is the Sport games, Mobas and Simulators.

I have actually been curious of these football games, in terms of team management and such. The system-nerd in me is enticed by the progress and micro-management, but the main reason I don't really bother that much is cus FIFA is a step away from a mafia organization, and they can have none of my money. Ever.
Also, not really into football, it's the micro-management that entices.

I am also actively waiting for Gran Turismo, a game I haven't played since GTII but that I held very dearly at the time, again part of the reason is the micro-management it offers, how you can "grow" your winning car and such.

I really wanted to play that latest city-building game, don't recall the name now, but alas, I need yet a computer upgrade for that :I
Cities Skylines? It's fun but I am not that big into simulators so I usually get bored of it.
Which do you think at least limits your power in a way that you aren't OP by the middle or the end of the game, and which do you think has more realistic game mechanics in a sense? I say RPGs in a sense. maybe
Platinum Spectacle fighters beat you up from the beginning to the end, you are technially "OP" as far as the things your character can do, but it's the squishy flabby human with the control the one that needs to get good by the end.
I will play anything and everything as long as its good, but I usually gravitate towards fighting games, Western RPGs and Survival Horror.
Platinum Spectacle fighters beat you up from the beginning to the end, you are technially "OP" as far as the things your character can do, but it's the squishy flabby human with the control the one that needs to get good by the end.
Good point. Though in Action Adventure games there's no natural level progression and usually the health stays the same. Which could imply you're usually never any stronger than your enemies.
I'm mostly just in it for the story. If you ask me what the most important part of any game is I'd say story, story, story. And then after that I'd like gameplay mechanics, sound design and graphics which doesn't distract from telling the story in a good way.

I tend to prefer RPG's like KOTOR 1 & 2, Fallout 1 & 2, Balur's gate 1 & 2 but then I also had a blast with Far Cry 3 & 4, Tomb Raider and various GTA titles which are more on the action-RPG side of things. And what is Witcher 3 exactly? Is it classical-RPG or is it action-RPG? The lines are getting pretty blurry these days. Not that I mind, W3 is a great game. Maybe we need to redefine what an RPG really is. I mean *Role-Playing-Game" could technically mean any game in which you play a character other than yourself.

Or do we mean to say that GTA is an action-RPG just because it's set in the modern age and doesn't have a monsters? And Witcher 3 is an classical-RPG because he has swords instead of guns? What if a monster appeared in GTA and you gave the main character a sword... would it be a classical RPG then? Like I said... blurry. :look:

What remains though is that the game has to have an interesting and fairly unique story. So that will be my contribution... I don't care if it's an action-RPG or classical-RPG (whatever that means) as long as the story is good.
I don't really think genres are better or worse than each other, for me its the actual games themselves.

I play all genres really except fighting games (partly because I cannot be arsed learning a fuck load of moves just to get my ass handed to me anyway)

To answer the original question I guess I'd say RPGs as I've had more enjoyment out of them opposed to action adventure.
I'm really not sure how varied you expected the answers to be on a forum dedicated to Fallout. I'll play along anyway.

The answer is of course, RPG. Primarily because while action games can be very, very fun, there's nothing in video games that manages to catch me in the same way an RPG does. It's like watching an action flick versus reading a good book.
I don't think I have a preference; I like Baldur's Gate, and I like Demon Stone; but... I wouldn't like either of those games as a sequel to the other one.
Action-Adventures because they are so rare these days. Everybody simply wants to jump in the open-world/rpg band wagon nowadays.

Looking forward to Uncharted 4.
I'm really not sure how varied you expected the answers to be on a forum dedicated to Fallout. I'll play along anyway.

The answer is of course, RPG. Primarily because while action games can be very, very fun, there's nothing in video games that manages to catch me in the same way an RPG does. It's like watching an action flick versus reading a good book.

This. Also, I can't play action games to save my life. I'm just too goddamn slow. I used to like RTS games as well, but again, I'm too slow to be any good at it. I'll finish the campaign, but I can't hold my ground online. Also, a good RPG has more depth. I'm not in it for the shiny graphics or fast paced combat sequences. I like to at least be able to pause the game and think about what spell/weapon to use next during combat. Also, I like extensive dialogues with a lot of options to choose from. Usually action based RPG's or any action based game are more linear, and I like to have my character be able to act according to my own ideas of what is right (or wrong whenever I'm playing evil or greedy). Also, like pretty much anyone here mentions in pretty much any thread, I like my actions (or even which skills I picked) to have an effect on the game world and how other characters react to me. I'm a slow gamer. :grin: