Which ethnic and cultural groups have had it the worst on Earth?

I guess the Tutsis got fucked really hard in the Rwandan genocide... But that's more of a one-time experience (although the Hutus massacred the Tutsis more than once, and vice versa).
But during those 100 days they had it REALLY bad.
Probably the Middle East. If you believe the Bible, the Middle East has been in a constant state of discord since pretty much the beginning of time.

If you don’t believe the Bible.. well.. the Middle East is still always at war.
I guess the Tutsis got fucked really hard in the Rwandan genocide... But that's more of a one-time experience (although the Hutus massacred the Tutsis more than once, and vice versa).
But during those 100 days they had it REALLY bad.
I would point out Kagame did then turn round and kill or displace a similar number of Hutus into the Congo. AND THEN INVADE THE CONGO TO GET AT THEM!!!! I mean the reason the Congo is awful today is because Kagame wanted revenge and then occupied the Congo, for its resources.
I would point out Kagame did then turn round and kill or displace a similar number of Hutus into the Congo. AND THEN INVADE THE CONGO TO GET AT THEM!!!! I mean the reason the Congo is awful today is because Kagame wanted revenge and then occupied the Congo, for its resources.
Yeah, and the Tutsis massacred the Hutus in Burundi before, too. They really don't like each other. They're like Serbs and Croats. Or Serbs and Bosniaks. Or Serbs and other Serbs.
Throughout the world and historically, the Jews. Runner up, blacks/any indigenous peoples.
Classic Fallout Fans, obviously. Nothing any cultural group has ever faced in history comes close to the torture of being presented with Fallout PoS, and Fallout Tactics as precursers to a Fallout sequel, before being heartbroken by Van Buren, and then having Bethesda shit down out throats with Fallout 3, and 4.

Really, the Holocaust is nothing compared to that.
There was canonically a Vault 69 IIRC and it was basically all women except for one man. Not sure if it was ACTUAL canon or devs 'avin a giiggle but I remember it being mentioned somewhere

At this point, the only canon in these games is of the Tesla variety.

Also if you really wanted to be accurate, you could call it xXxf4ll0u769xXx.
This is one of those questions with no right answer. Which culture had it the worst? The ones that were wiped out? The ones in slavery? The ones that get free houses, AC, food, and healthcare since we kicked them off their land, which they are now living on with more advanced technology and longer lifespans? I vote for Atlanteans having it the worst.