I'd have to go mostly in agreement with Kharn. #2 has better style and look, but the art subject of the second is also a bit more sterile. It also depends upon the characters in said picture, and their role in the game.
The first one is quite a bit like a 70's sci-fi book cover. Would the creators like to tell us if this is intentional in design? Also, who are the characters; I presume the brunette in the first is the subject in the second yet in a different style, correct?
A suggestion:
Redo the first piece, but in the style of the second piece. There is a lot more background objects in the first to further give a quick setting impression of the game to those browsing by the pretty box art or use it as a description of the game. Even having tits for tits' sake, if you don't give something other than tits, there isn't much for the buyer to look at. The second piece gives more life, and whether intention or not, I personally think the first would look better with the cloth and background style.
Another note, the lens flares with that style are not good. They look cheesy.
Perhaps a bit more emphasis for people to notice the background objects as well. Depending upon the object, something else in the setting can be snuck into the picture, for further detail and immediate impression of the game.
It does, still, depend upon the intended style, but this is my opinion.