White-Only scholarship

Murdoch said:
No, it is only saying that minorities are less intelligent if you misinterpret the intent of the law. The real intent of the law is to provide the minority with help in order to give the minority and majority applicant the same chance of getting into school. This is all predicated on the fact that the minority does not have as many advantages as the majority on the socio-economic scale.

I forgot to state that, more often than not, the minorities and majority in Brazil are essentially on an equal socio-economic basis. While racism still exists, it is not defined by social or economic status.

What is going on here is that, according to equality, both have an equal chance to attend college. However, due to the mild oppression, the minorities are vastly overcompensated.

One more quote:
Murdoch said:
They need compensation because even if everyone is equal in the eyes of the law, they are not equal in socio-economic position. Because the difference can be correlated with race, it is reasonable to award extra points based on someones race.

There should not be room for test score and other types of evaluational criteria type compensation. They have lower taxes, as they should, as well as oftentimes in the most extreme cases, government aid. The funny part is, where I live, the Asians do not recieve, nor do they ask for, government aid. And they do better than those that do receive it. It is a matter of pride. Whatever.

The financial compensation for low economic status IMO is enough for the family. We do not need to compensate by giving weighted scores or extra points for admittance.

Sander brought up the point of giving aid to those that need it most. Murdoch said that race is often a better (easier) way to go about it, because need is often expressed as a function of race. And King of Creation said it should be solely merit based.

Using King of Creation's method: All the Asians in my area would be the ones recieving scholarships, and would leave the colleges devoid of most of the diversity we experience today.

Using Sander's method: How is this based? We are sending people less qualified, or lower achieving, or (some people would say) less deserving instead of those that had to work for entrance to college.

Using Murdoch's claim: this is still discrimination. Call it what you want, reversediscrimination, whatever. While this may ease the weight of pressure on minorities, it still limits those that need the help, yet are bypassed based on race. The perfect example is el_Prez.

Sorry I have no solutions.

What happened to me: I used to be poor, then made the transition to middle class, then upper middle class (not quite rich, but rich enough not to need scholarships to attend college). I grew up in a rough neighborhood, but always did well in school. I don't know what would have happened if I had lived in the same economic status all my life, but I don't think I would have been able to attend college because of it.

I don't know if I would've been passed up for a scholarship just because I was white, even though I was way more qualified than some minority that was given the scholarship. I just don't know. It turns out I didn't need any, but that still makes me wonder:

I got into the university I wanted to, but alas I cannot afford it. The scholarships I applied to denied me, even though I was in need, in favor of a lesser qualified minority.

Now, this is not to rag on minorities. Indeed there are many that do deserve scholarships. It just seems that the vast amount are given based on skin color, rather than need or merit.
How is this based? We are sending people less qualified, or lower achieving, or (some people would say) less deserving instead of those that had to work for entrance to college.
Someone else brought up the point that minority-only scholarships are doing just that, because a lot of minorities go to schools where they cannot simply show that they are good enough.
But this solution will not fix a problem, it will still help a lot of people. The point of it, is that you will need to compete for the scholarship(obviously), if your grades haven't been good enough for a normal scholarship, but you're probably good enough to go to collefe. However, if you can't afford the college(and your family is too poor) then a scholarship should be given out.
For as far as I can see, this will eliminate the need for minority-based scholarship as a way of providing the less-fortunate with a way of going through college. Furthermore, it doesn't ignore the poor whites either.
In Australia we have a problem with our selective high school system in that the Asians get in while most others are excluded.

This is for several reasons

1) Although the tests are supposedly IQ tests the Asians study like hell and cram, motivated by their work ethic, family and background.

2) The Asians are good at maths and do well in the tests because they are overly mathematical (some evidence they are good at maths: almost all the extension 2 mathematics students are Chinese and I was the only caucasian in a class at one point).

3) They are usually smart because only useful immigrants are allowed in, due to racist past (White Australia Policy).

The result is that in our elite schools the ratio is 20 to 1 Asian to non-Asian (most of the non-Asians are Russian Jews anyway.)

This is a serious problem which can only be solved by either increasing education levels generally at a great cost of time and effort and making it impossible for you to study for ability tests.

At the current trend most Asians are also getting the best job opportunities by doing the 'hard subjects' of super advanced maths, physics, chemistry and Chinese or Japanese. They go on to become lawyers and doctors who are not really any smarter than anyone else and cannot even speak English properly. Their environment enabled them to do this.

The lack of work ethic at such a young age and our love of sport, the beach and good fun are becoming a liability. Are our values becoming our own enemy. Do we want to change them?

This is the product of the application of politically correct equality but I think it is wrong because it is not equality at all. The half asleep people of Australia are just realising that something is not right.

So do you think that they deserve to take over because they work so hard. (Social Darwinism)

END of random ranting for today.
Daemon Spawn said:
Using Murdoch's claim: this is still discrimination. Call it what you want, reversediscrimination, whatever. While this may ease the weight of pressure on minorities, it still limits those that need the help, yet are bypassed based on race. The perfect example is el_Prez.

You're not listening

We're not denying that it is discrimination

But if you don't discriminate positively in a situation where negative discrimination exists, how do you suppose the negative discrimination will be solved? If you have a system meant to upkeep the status quo of socio-economic relations, like a purely merit-based system, any part of the populace with less social oppertunities will have no way to gain on another part

It is not fair, and if you're a short-term thinker it just seems completely evil, but on the long run it's the only way to patch the leak in the dam, so to speak, while we search for better solutions.
I'd go with the need basis before the race basis to "patch the leak" in the dam.

Then again, people can go to community college. That costs $20 per unit. Hell, the poorest people can afford that. And even if for some ungodly reason they cannot, the community college gives aid to pay for units. With the very least college diploma - the community college - a vast amount of opportunities are opened. What I'm saying is, if minorities truly wanted/cared/yearned to better their lot in life, the community college option is looming giant. But look, the same ratio perpetuates that system as well. Almost all Asian. The Asians that couldn't afford university or didn't get scholarships attend community colleges.

For community college, you don't even need to have done too well in school. Any Joe can go and apply, pay $20 per unit, and take courses, and be exposed to way better jobs than he would have otherwise.

What I'm saying is: Yes, there is discrimination, but this is not a fucking status quo. It is a self perpetuated system! Granted community isn't as high a level as university, but still, if a person really WANTS/CARES/YEARNS, then there is nothing blocking them from getting what they truly want.