Who has kids? Do you let your kids play FALLOUT?

Bah! The more violent the game the better!
One of the most enjoyable things to do in Fallout is to blow a chunk out of someone with the sniper rifle.

But then again what do I know, Ive been drinking and its 5am.
I started playing violent video games when I was quite young, and I haven't killed anyone yet.

Who knows what it's done to my "sensitivity" to violence, since we are supposed to be "desensitized"?

For my kids, though... I'd probably rather them READ about bad things than watch or play them. They will be exposed to that stuff anyways, so might as well try and get them well-spoken at the same time.
I have a 7 yo bro and I let him to play Fallout. I think it is good at least in the fact that I installed a Czech language version for him thus he can practice his reading skills... But I'll have to turn off the bloody mess when he's around, that's true...
I have a kid. I keep him in a cage in my Dungeon of Doom. No fallout for him though. I do like to pump him full of drugs and critically miss his groin with my powerfist though.
Xavierblazer said:
I have a kid. I keep him in a cage in my Dungeon of Doom. No fallout for him though. I do like to pump him full of drugs and critically miss his groin with my powerfist though.

My kid's still in original packaging! I just like looking at him in his box.
Don't you mean critically hit? Or do you like missing and watching the kid piss himself?
WOW. Well, I'm speechless. I forgot what it was like to be a teenager. You guys are, to quote my son, "SICK". I guess there are no parents registered one this site, or they are too embarrassed to express themselves or tell the truth. As far as violence goes, my son plays Lego Racers, where you get to "shoot" rockets at the other racers to destroy their cars, so he knows about guns and stuff. It's just hurting your fellow man that is wrong. I just don't want to corrupt his mind with senseless violence. I am guessing that was taught to most us here because we like to shoot the crap out of people on video game and realize it's just a game. A young mind is too precious to be exposed to this. I guess I will wait he gets older. Maybe some one could make a mod that would remove all weapons from the game and make it an espionage type game, after all real spies don't use guns. I would try, but most of my time involves raising my child right, so when he does play Fallout with full language and gore he will leave it in the computer room when he is done.
If I had a kid I'd rather he play a violent shooter where he can see the consequences of his violent actions than some spy game where he would be taught that backstabbing, sneaking, stealing information and committing various other crimes (and remember, spying is all about avoiding capture and punishment) is the way to go.
I say we make a mod of Fallout where all the weapons are replaced with unicorns and the blood with beautiful rainbows!

That should be suitable for every child out there. The victory over violence is at hand!
See, that's what I mean.

"If I had a kid"

You won't think that way when you do. I was the same way. I used to play Final Fantasy 7 before my son came along and thought this isn't so bad, what's all the hype about. When my son was born I saw things differently. They are way too impressionable.

I do understand you're point about back-stabbing and stealing though.

Point taken. Thanks for all the input. Even if it came from "SICK" people :D

Rainbows and unicorns???? I don't want my son growing up to be a sissy.
A substantial portion of the thread is tongue in cheek, and much of what is left of people who have given little thought about how they will raise their own children (as that time is quite distant).

Really, I haven't encountered a significant number of parents in the online gaming culture. I think the response here is perfectly predictable given the probable people involved.

I'm not sure about corrupting young minds myself either. There are people who will take the opposite position entirely, that exposing children to fantasy violence will teach them the fact that it is nothing but fantasy (and that shielding them will result in the distorted fantasy/reality connection). I haven't witnessed indications that these sorts of people raise corrupted children.

In the end, you are free to raise your child as you see fit (inside reasonable boundaries), as are other people. Which, of course, can be an unfortunate situation.
Well, the last thing I wanted was for this thread to turn into "How should you raise your child?". I just wanted input from other parents, that is all.

As far as parents in online gaming communities, I guess I am part of a dying breed. We need more adults to play video games, so far the only ones that shares my interest are you guys and my brother, he's 17.

All I can say now is "Let the rambling continue, and let's hope this doesn't get vatted."
I'm a prime example for why Thompson-ism is wrong.

I'm 20. I love splatstick (i.e. humouristic splatter movies) and played my first violent video game (Doom) when I went to elementary school (I nicked it off a warez CD of my uncle).

However in real life I'm a pacifist. I haven't started a fight in my entire life and never got beaten up or injured anyone (physically, at least -- animals included).

I also tend to have a high feeling of social responsibility on the personal level -- I'm the kind of person that helps old women across the street if they ask him.

Wonder why?

Well, I was raised in the spirit of pacifism and that violence is never an option and so on and so forth. That didn't harm me, but I don't think that's why I tend to be such a nice guy.

I would rather say it's because I've been raised to be responsible and consider the consequences of my actions.

I can't just start a fight and beat someone up at random because not only is that a crime, but the consequences of that very act would be almost entirely negative.

If I went to jail, that would have a negative effect on my future options (career, etc).
If I got the reputation of being a choleric brute, that would harm my social life.
If I killed someone (human or animal), they as an individual would cease to exist -- which may be a nice thought until you consider that their ceasing of existence can only mean further trouble down the road (most blatantly: someone who liked them could swear revenge).

And that's only the RATIONAL reasons not to do bad things.

If you add the ethics on which the concept of responsibility is based to that mix, you got a flat-out instant pacifist.

Now, why do I like splatter movies then? Simple: I like violence.

Why do I like violent video games? Simple: I can enjoy the violence without having to deal with real-life consequences.

Now, in most good RPGs everything has a consequence (given that you don't hack or cheat) -- which is why I most oftenly follow the path of the lone heroe and only start getting violent if I get frustrated and the game itself does not provide any further potential for satisfaction.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that video games can't affect your child. You have, however, to teach your child to deal with video games responsibly -- video games are not REAL.

The tiny bit you must not forget to mention when doing that, however, is that in multiplayer games, or on the internet, or in the news there ARE real people involved.

Other players in multiplayer games are real people (given that they aren't bots) and those people who are reported dead in the news are real people too.
That's a difficult concept to grasp, because it seemingly contradicts the simpler idea that TV = fake.

You need to make sure that by teaching the difference between reality and fiction you don't destroy your child's empathy.

It's a hard job and you can fail on so many levels, even by doing the right things, but that's the job you chose by becoming a parent.

Sidenote: Be prepared or you might find yourself speechless when trying to explain that kind of concepts. It's not quite as easy as it seems when you have to explain it in full depth to someone totally new to the whole idea.
There's actually much to be learnt from Fallout, it can be a very violent game but it can also tell you exactly what kind of person you are.

I do not have any children, but I do know that I learnt a great deal from Fallout during my childhood. If I had never played Fallout, my English would have been substantially worse and I probably wouldn't have thought of the world and the people that walk upon it the way I do now.

Just don't expose your children to any X-box and Playstation like games if you prefer their taste in good content intact by the time they reach the age of 18.
I started playing violent games when I was 7 years old (Wolfenstein 3D) with my dad, and someway it affected my behavior. I learned that I had to be careful with what I did and what I said, because everything had consequences. Now I have a small arsenal in my closet, but that’s because my dad works in the army, and somehow, everything ended in that place.

In few words... If I had kids, I'd let them play only under my supervision.
I started playing Fallout when I was 14 and I was rather violent and cruel person before I played.
Fallout actually made me understand the value of solving trouble in peaceful manner.
So, it made me better person, by showing the consequences of violent and non-violent actions in virtual world.

While I really enjoy violence, especially against people weaker than me, I don't commit violent acts, because it's impractical.

So, I think that Fallout is something that can improve understanding of reality if a child is playing under guidance of parent.

From the other side I think that playing under someone's guidance vastly decreases quality of roleplaying.
Kotario said:
In the end, you are free to raise your child as you see fit

Well, if I ever get a child with my current girlfriend, then she'd probably be raising it because she already disapproves my way of life as it is and she wouldn't even let me near it... :P

(That was ment to be sarcastic...)
While I really enjoy violence, especially against people weaker than me,

You're one sick puppy, I'm gonna have to put you down. I've gotta put up with socio-paths like you at school, and I find NMA great because of a distinct lack of guys like you.

I don't commit violent acts, because it's impractical.

That really doesn't make it any better, you'd like to hurt people, but you won't because you're afraid to take on anyone at your level, or if it has consequences. I gotta wonder who beat you in your childhood to make you that way.