Who has kids? Do you let your kids play FALLOUT?

The most impractical thing in commiting violent acts is that they hurt people.
That's why violent games are good and people who protest against them have no clue what they are doing.
Exactly. If I couldn't vent my anger by smashing up people with a bat in GTA: San An and then shooting the medics that come to revive them and then stealing a police bike and using it to drive over more people and then get lots of cops after me until I get the army on my ass and then hop into a tank and create mayhem and death and destruction all over the place... who knows how I'll get rid of it otherwise...
Very little seems to give me the oppurtunity to Vent Anger. Then something small triggers it, and I'll become very violent and scary. (or so I'm told.)
Then everyone goes out of their way to have nothing to do with me, or the person I vent it on brings alot of people to hurt me back, and my anger builds up again.
Everyone has their own cathartic. For me, it tends to be practicing with my quarterstaff. Or reading. I don't really play video games to get rid of problems upstairs.
I'm not able to vent anger by computer games.
I prefer running and doing intensive physical exercises.
I play to roleplay or to satisfy my dark desire to dominate and cause pain and destruction.