Who will win?

Astronauts, duh. Cavemen can't fuck with sonic death lasers. Just like in Moonraker.
yeah, but astronauts have the tendancy to be overwhelmed by strong emotions, whereas for cavemen strong emotions are the status quo.
I was going to vat this, but now that I found out it was a Buffy reference....

Seriously, Saint Cadian, let us not make a habit of posting these types of threads, okay? No problem this time, just check the types of threads around General Discussion in the future.

Besides, where's the poll?
Everyone go watch Space Mutiny. You will see that large athletes are more adept to killing than regular astronauts.
The cavemen must have built up some kind of pwn immune system from living nekkid in caves and fighting wild boars, so if they can get up close with their clubs and smash the astronauts' suits, infecting them with bacteriae.. Well, they might just have a tiny chance.

edit: Buffy-related? Someone explain.. :?
It's in reference to a scene in Angel, the spin-off series from Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

Angel said:
SPIKE: It's bollocks, Angel! It's your brand of bollocks from the first to last.
ANGEL: No, you can't ever see the big picture. You can't see any picture!
SPIKE: I am talking about something primal. Right? Savagery. Brutal animal instinct.
ANGEL: And that wins out every time with you. You know, the human race has evolved, Spike!
SPIKE: Oh, into a bunch of namby-pamby, self-analyzing wankers who could never hope to—
ANGEL: We're bigger. We're smarter. Plus, there's a thing called teamwork, not to mention the superstitious terror of your pure aggressors!
SPIKE: You just want it to be the way you want it to be.
ANGEL: (yelling) It's not about what I want!
WESLEY: (arriving) Sorry. Is this something we should all be discussing?
ANGEL: (embarrassed) No.
WESLEY: It just...sounds a little serious.
ANGEL: It was mostly...theoretical. We...
SPIKE: We were just working out a b— Look, if cavemen and astronauts got into a fight, who would win?
(he crosses his arms and looks expectantly at Wes)
WESLEY: Ah. You've been yelling at each other for 40 minutes about this?
(they both look embarassed. Wesley considers...)
WESLEY: Do the astronauts have weapons?
ANGEL & SPIKE: (simultaneously) No.

MadDog, from Space Mutiny we also know that Captains look like Santa Claus, being dead doesn't prevent you from going back to work, large athletes like much older women, and space ships have brick walls.
Well that was fun.

Note that it is customary to include some background information when posting about an obscure (relative to NMA) talking point as Buffy the Vampire Slayer. And no I don't care if part of the fun is people asking 'dude, wtf?'

Comprende, Saint Cadian?
:oops: i'm sorry moderator peoples, i'll be sure to be more descriptive on what i put on the forum. I honestly didn't know whether or not it was Buffy or Angel so i just left that info out.

I've asked this question to my friends, it's been over three weeks and they are still debating on it. anyways..*goes to look how to make a poll*
Come on people. It's obvious that the astronauts will win, at least if the battle takes place in outer space, in which case the cavemen will die from asphyxiation since they don't have any cool space suits.

Anyway, both Buffy and Angel suck ass, and I think people who watch them should be cast out by society.
Kotario said:
but now that I found out it was a Buffy reference....


Seriously, though. Astronauts have to deal with the threat of explosive decompression, thus are they limited by their oxygen hoses. Too high maintenance. Cavemen win in a protracted engagement.
Is it just both sides with only their rudimentary equipment though? Do the cavemen get dinosaur mounts? Do the astronauts get their landing craft?

The Vault Dweller
Flop said:
Anyway, both Buffy and Angel suck ass, and I think people who watch them should be cast out by society.

My mother would kill you before you could set a hand on her.
Kotario said:
Flop said:
Anyway, both Buffy and Angel suck ass, and I think people who watch them should be cast out by society.

My mother would kill you before you could set a hand on her.

I would never lay a hand on your mother, how could you even think such a thing.

I merely want society to ostracize her. If she watches Angel and/or Buffy, that is.